Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vascular grid feet

This is a problem facing every second woman and each of them it gives a lot of inconvenience, but try to solve it by no means all
and it is connected, usually with erroneous or insufficient information on the subject.
The most important misconception is associated with the myth that the vascular net on his feet is the beginning of varicose veins. In fact, only one
case out of ten this is true, but other causes are quite different.
The second misconception is the belief that to get rid of vascular networks and can not sprockets. This myth is rooted in the time
our mothers and grandmothers, when there was really no means to fight this disease. In our days of such methods exist, and there is no
reasons to live with this "beauty" to the end of his days.
Now, when we debunk myths about the uselessness and futility of the fight against this disease, let's talk about what
represent a vascular mesh and stars, why they occur and how to get rid of them.
What is a vascular net

Vascular grid (or scientifically - teleangioektazii) - is enhanced intradermal blood vessels (capillaries), vein or artery.
They may be red and blue, have completely different shapes: from the tree and star to the spot (and wine stains, hemangiomas).
There are vascular defects not only on the legs, but on the face of the nose or cheeks.

The reasons for the emergence of vascular networks, unfortunately, quite a lot:
The weakening of the walls of blood vessels of the skin and violation of their permeability.
The imbalance of female sex hormones.
Prolonged pressure on the legs in an upright position
Hormonal disorders as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, hormonal contraceptives, ovarian cysts, fibroids, menopause, etc.
Traumatic factors: chemical peels, frostbite, or overindulgence solarium.
The initial stage of varicose veins.
The good news is that the methods of getting rid of vascular networks in the legs do not depend on the reasons for their occurrence. The bad news:
if not remove the cause, the vascular net will appear again.
Therefore, if you want to get rid of them once and it is desirable to visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist and phlebology. Again, the method
disposal is not affected, but will help avoid a relapse.
Now about the actual methods themselves.
Methods of removal of vascular networks feet

Let's divide them into two parts: the methods used in the home and the methods used in medical centers.
At home
Turpentine baths. Technique is based turpentine baths is well-known practice of Dr. A. Zalmanov - kapillyaroterapiya.
As we discovered vascular net - this is extended capillaries. And why in fact they are expanding? This
There are many reasons, one of which is littered them (on the slag and toxins have heard everything). Turpentine baths help
purification and restoration of our capillary system, and consequently the disappearance of the enlarged capillaries.
Special exercise. In his daily performance of a grid is significantly reduced, and in some cases disappear altogether.
Lie on your back, rotate the waist to the floor, arms and legs lift up a 90 degree angle to the floor. Not bending the arms and legs, make them Vibrator
Movement within 5-10 minutes. This exercise activates blood circulation in small capillaries.
In medical centers
Microsclerotherapy. With this method, a very fine hypodermic needles wreaths introduce a special solution - sklerozant.
After this vessel obliterans (glued) and then for 3 weeks dissolves. One procedure takes from 30 to 90 minutes,
number of treatments depends on the area of capillary networks (sometimes one is enough, sometimes three small).
After Microsclerotherapy will vilify compression hosiery.
Sometimes, after a vascular procedure, a grid can not only not disappear, but become brighter and more noticeable. This is due to the fact that in the lumen
capillary are small blood clots. Over time, they dissolve and cease to be visible. This period can take
to 3 months.
Laser removal of vascular networks. With this method, the laser beam affects the hemoglobin (a protein of red blood cells),
which, accumulating energy, transmits it to the vascular wall. As a result, advanced vessel disappears.
After this procedure may have burns, scars and bruises.
Elos-coagulation. Young enough to achieve aesthetic medicine, the basis of which is technology ELOS,
using different physical abilities of the bipolar high-frequency electric current and light or laser energy
achieve precise and specific depths of penetration for each specific application. The device acts on the flasks through the skin,
expanded spaivaya capillaries. After some time they disappear.
It should be understood that each of the above methods is a cosmetic procedure, and even its success does not insure you
from the appearance of new vascular nets on their feet.
In order to prevent the emergence teleangioektazy should wear compression hosiery, to avoid hormones and
prolonged sun exposure.

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