Friday, September 25, 2009

Treatment of varicose veins laser - Endovazalnaya laser coagulation (EVLK)

Unique non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, no pain, no scars, no bruises!
"Treatment of varicose veins without surgery and without scars" - a standard leaflet leading European and American hospitals for the treatment of varicose legs.
Development endovazalnoy laser coagulation (EVLK) has revolutionized the surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.
After 40 minutes of finding the operating ex-patient varicose disease arises from the operating table healthy man!
Endovazalnaya laser coagulation (EVLK) becomes the procedure of choice (the main type of surgical treatment) in the treatment of varicose disease abroad.
Treatment of varicose veins laser - an operation without a single incision, puncture performed under ultrasound, using local anesthesia.
The technique is to laser radiation on the venous wall. Vienna dotted needle in the popliteal region, the thigh is held laser fiber, then, is going on? Burning 'veins using laser radiation. This spazmiruetsya Vienna and its lumen closed. After a certain time coagulated Vienna germination connective tissue and dissolves.
Local anesthesia - an ideal opportunity for those who are afraid of injections in the back (epidural anesthesia) or general anesthesia (endotracheal anesthesia).
When operations uses unique technology for monitoring the safety of laser radiation.
Major scientific studies suggest that after EVLK observed the lowest percentage of complications compared with other surgical methods of treatment of varicose veins of legs.
Given the small traumatic the treatment of varicose veins, any recovery from such operations is not required. Already one hour after the operation, you will be able to leave the clinic, and it is - a normal practice.
Advantages of the method
- Operation without cuts.
- After the operation, minimal discomfort feeling no pain.
- No bruises, no bruising.
- The ideal operation in cosmetic terms.
- Minimum number of diagnosed postoperative complications.
Disadvantages of the method
- In case of large diameter, large subcutaneous vein surgery without incisions is not possible.
- Operation cost-efficient for the patient.
What kind of laser coagulation is shown in each case, may be determined only after a thorough ultrasound examination of the veins of legs.
If according to ultrasound veins EVLK do not (large diameter of the large superficial vein), then apply flebektomii technique combined with laser coagulation (operation with a single cut).
Combined flebektomiya with laser coagulation (operation with a single cut)
Once the data is color duplex scanning show inability to perform puncture technique (the diameter of the vein is too broad), you will be offered an operation with elements of classical flebektomii.
The operation is performed under epidural anesthesia. This forces a small incision in the groin (1.5 cm) of which will be ligated primary Vienna, which makes prevention of recurrence in the future.
Through the same incision will be introduced laser fiber into the vein and produced laser coagulation. If necessary, a large subcutaneous vein tributaries or small superficial vein will be removed from the micro-puncture technique for miniflebektomii or will be made sclerotherapy, ie the whole operation is limited to a single incision in the groin area.
Advantages of the combined method
- A smaller percentage of recurrence in the future
- Operation less traumatic than the classic flebektomiey
- High cosmetic results
Disadvantages of the combined method
- It is necessary to carry out sections
- Needed epidural anesthesia

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