Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How to get rid of the fear and overcome phobias?

How to get rid of fear? How to overcome fear? Cricket - this unnatural state of man, takes too much effort. We are afraid of the unknown, so we all strive to find an explanation. Fear is necessary to understand and accept. Understanding the nature of fear will give awareness and conscious fear is already possible to manage.
Fears, phobias ... what else?

Normal fear - is a manifestation of self-preservation, such fear warns us of possible danger, reports on our internal limits. My friend was afraid to jump with a parachute and resolutely struggled with fear of height, assuming that the pants - it's not a man. Making his fifth jump, he was killed. All the fears that have no relation to the instinct of self-preservation, are fictitious and are often pathological. Pathological fear - it is different types of phobias. Such fears often arise because of the cultivation of negative images and memories.
Disconnect from the negative

Against the cultivation and wrap scary thoughts, and preoccupation with the negative images of good technique helps "Knife switch. Can not get rid of painful thought, which sows in your own experience? Imagine what it overpowers you thought - a big switch, stretch to it and pull sharply down. Once - and all was silence. You cut down the idea.
Good help and reception with a visualization as a "ray of light. Imagine that in your head penetrates through the top of a bright beam of light. Light fills the entire space inside your head. Your intrusive thoughts leave you, and you'll be surprised at how you will easily and safely.
Fear of nature, as a negative, destructive. I caught myself on the fact that appeared negative thought, frightening (eg, "And suddenly, with something happens?"), - Immediately take up a new toy with the mind, whether cutout, a beam or something else. The mind wanders, the fear will not grow in the bubbling panic, and your thoughts will not attract unwanted your event.
Exhale fear, breathe courage

What are the main manifestations of fear on the physical level? Palpitations, showed through sweat, panting. Normalization of breathing techniques - this is your first aid. We gather all the gripping fear and noisy, with an effort to exhale its full of emptiness in his chest. On the exhale, let go of cowardice and courage to breathe.
Breathe quietly, feeling the energy that penetrates inside, fills us with determination. Reinforce exhale visual imagery (dark spots, smoke, fragments, etc.), and breath - shining himself - a successful, strong. Exhale weakness, inhale force. Exhale fear, breathe determination. Succeeding respiration characteristic of fear, to any other, you definitely feel calmer and be able to soberly assess the situation.
Breath restores inner harmony and integrity, and fear no power over a harmonious personality. "A drunk falling from the wagon, even a very sharp, not broken until death. Bones and joints from him, such as other people, and damage to the other, because his heart holistic. He sat in the cart and fell unconscious unconsciously. Thoughts of life and death, wonder and fear have not found space in his chest, so when confronted with the subject, it is not shrinking from fear. If a person acquires a similar integrity of the wine, what is the integrity he must obtain from nature! A wise man merges with nature, so nothing can hurt him, "- said in a Taoist parable about integrity.
Transform excitement in the drive

With fear you can cope only action. Start doing what scares - that is the only technique work with fear. Begin to turn the excitement in the drive. You will learn how to get real pleasure from overcoming your fears, and it will open your path to self-realization.
Are you afraid of public speaking? Speakers wherever possible: say toast, push of speech, and soon was surprised to find that you - a born orator. Always remember that courage - it is well trained by cowardice. Could you reveal your new talent, not overcome the internal fear? No. But now on the right can be proud of themselves.
And if the fear scare?

If you are a good scare, then by virtue of purely physiological reasons for the next half hour you can not be afraid. Call for a desperate heart, frantic knock at the temples, the weakness in the knees, start to choke with fear, experiencing all the "charm" of panic and fear. Consciously lived through the fear, you feel Olympian calm and confidence.

Our body - the best emotional guide. When we are afraid, our body is trapped, we feel depressed. If emotions (content) so affect our body (form), it is possible if an inverse relationship? Yes. This method is called "winding gesture", successfully used by actors in order to quickly enter into the role.
Technique allows for a second to change the internal state. Stand up straight, Stretch shoulders, lift your head, smile ... so wait a few seconds ... you - the winner. What may be doubts and fears?
What else can I do?

You can start to imagine how it is you have all failed. Imagine all the things you are so afraid in all colors. Live through your emotional fears and see that this is not the end of the world, all is not as scary as you think. Fear works with our minds as a magnifying glass, distorting reality. No wonder they say: fear has big eyes.
The above technique is called the method of rational argument and is to present the worst option in the event of your injury and spit at him or ridicule. " Try to go to the mirror and portray the fear on his face (stretched out face, eyes wide, his mouth open, upturned eyebrows), - believe me, you laugh like crazy. These techniques zaryazhayut positives and give the determination to move forward.
Also remember about the healing power of metaphors. In time read an aphorism to the place narrated anecdote gives an excellent therapeutic effect. Next quote will give you the confidence and motivation:
Don Juan taught Castaneda: "Those who once overcame fear, free from it until the end of his life: you gain clarity of thought, and fear, nothing remains. Since that time, you know what you want, and know how to do it. "

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