Friday, September 25, 2009

Global deception doctors discovered, you can cure all diseases at once, the guarantee.

Health portal (address in the footnote) has a purpose - to give understanding to people about how the body is designed as a natural way to treat it, what methods to use and what should not do it. First what you should not do - to trust doctors.

All the people on the planet at least once in his life turned to doctors (doctors and doctors of different specialties: general practitioner, urologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, etc.), and most regrettably, many are not satisfied both by the treatment and its result , then there is the question: "what's the deal here?", "why, since I took the money, they said - well, I still get sick?", "Why is not the result of health and bind to drugs?", "Why treatment is not effective? ". The answer to all questions one - MONEY! All medical structure built on the benefits and the collection of material resources, and purpose for a long time is not helping people, and as a result - a profit, but on the contrary, the ultimate goal - a huge profit, and as a consequence of (something like a side effect) the temporary assistance to the client, the patient.

We will understand why doctors unprofitable to treat people. Imagine you are a co-owner, the most important medical corporations for the production of medicines and medical devices, your main task (formal) - to make sure that people can quickly cure any disease, but also you realize that helping people is a good thing, but you should at this and to earn, not just because you're investing efforts, so you place a price on the products.

Let's say you made a drug which cures 10 diseases, for 2 weeks, with daily intake of 1.2 tablets. For certain reasons, you do not have the right to assign value to such products a few thousand rubles, it's just one package of tablets (of 10-20 pieces). Also, for this price you buy this product, the minimum number of people. So think, people thought: What if we need to reduce the cost of medicine and help people while making money, just need to specify all medications, and to refrain from adjuvant therapy, so we can get from one medication (to treat 10 diseases cost, say, 3 tr) for 10 unique drugs directed action (who treat the disease and 1 are about 300 rubles). Due to low prices, the total volume sold drugs, will be several dozen times more, think now about the difference in profits?

Profit, money, material goods - rose to the fore among manufacturers of medical products, and in fact on their investments built the whole market today. Analyzing this, by itself can only conclude that treat people benefit, but that people fully cured and become healthy there. Consider, if you buy drugs, which are for 1 year will make you completely healthy, you will go again to the hospital? You will buy you do not need pills? Would you recommend to friends ineffective drugs? OF COURSE NOT! Thus if the majority of the population will be healthier, you will suffer greatly from this whole business, built on the medicine.

To generate an approximate sense of how big business built on people's health, shows the figures are official figures, although the publication of which was not subject to public, for the year 2008, the income of health facilities was more than 50 billion cu (dollars), only the provision of services related to diseases of the eye, that is, 50 billion cu only operations on the organs of vision, vitamin sales, and advisory services. And this is the official data. Think how much your body organs, multiply their numbers on this figure, you get the official minimum income.

Do you think if they really treated people and that was their goal, the income was so great? No, the point is, everyone is much more profitable to sell you pills, from which more harm than good to you to come again and again, and gave medical institutions all their money. That's so sad - but realistic picture of prevailing in our society. It's time for good news.

If you do not want to spend more to empty their funds, to be deceived by doctors to be healthy and strong, do not spend a lot of money to be convinced that you are doing everything right, get permanent free expert advice and learn how, exactly, case is to treat your body, then you need to go to this page. Treat your body needs only a natural way.
Remember: the best treatment - is prevention.

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