Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A healthy body starts with healthy teeth

Nothing adorns a man so deeply as the snow-white, luminous smile on her face. Beautiful and strong teeth - this spring, not only prigozhesti, but also an indicator of a healthy organism. On how carefully we monitor their teeth and gums, may affect integrity of many internal organs: heart, kidneys, and joints.

Wrong caring for your mouth and teeth can become the basis of infectious diseases, which in turn will lead to the maturation of other diseases, such as tonsillitis and sinusitis.

German scientists found that the bulk of germs enters into our body in exactly broken through the gums. In particular, they found that people with diabetes mellitus, have a chronic tendency to gum disease.

We rarely think about, why there is such a destructive process for our body, and how of the oral cavity depends on the state of our internal organs. Answers to these and many other questions lie on the surface.

Our oral cavity is a link with the digestive tract and then imagine how the food gets to us inside the body, if our mouth is a hotbed of pathogenic microorganisms.

Endocrine system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract - the state of these systems in the human body depends on the purity and well-kept teeth, gums and oral cavity. In addition, the wrong dental care can lead to a decrease in immunity, shortage of vitamins and trace elements in the human body.

To protect our body from the negative impacts need to carefully look after their teeth and oral cavity. Nevertheless, as pointed out surveys, standard tooth brushing twice a day, is not enough.

If you want to ensure the full protection of their teeth from the damaging effects of caries should use a set of additional measures. It should be a day to consume about 1 g of calcium - for a healthy person. In women, pregnant women and children daily dose of calcium should be around 1,2 - 2 years of calcium.

For the prevention of oral cavity should be used with special solutions that have a tonic and disinfectant action, and also prevent the formation of caries. In addition, you should regularly visit the dentist, to advance to surround the teeth and the body of unwanted consequences.

Fulfilling all the above said requirements, you can protect not only their teeth, but the whole body as a whole. Remember that a healthy body starts with healthy teeth! Be healthy.

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