Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do I need to treat ureaplasma

What might be the relationship between ureaplasma and well-known Russian proverb about rasshibanii forehead with bogomolstve? The most direct, and it becomes quite clear to you when you read this article. Do you know that the disease can also be popular, like music or books? Imagine, this is just happening in our country with inconspicuous microbe named "Ureaplasma". Himself a microorganism from its popularity does not have a penny, but the other gives to earn full. And now in order:
Ureaplasma belongs to the family of microbes called Mycoplasma. This is the smallest separate living organisms. Known 17 species of mycoplasmas, but only 4 of them have an impact on the rights, including ureaplasma, living mainly in the mucous membranes of genito-urinary organs. Mycoplasma and ureaplasma are very common organisms: they are found in about half of healthy sexually active women, 10% of women who are not sexually active, and 5% of children. About 20% of infants acquire the mycoplasma and ureaplasma in the process of childbirth, however, most children are subsequently released from them. Mycoplasma and ureaplasma are not officially considered to be sexually transmitted diseases, although they can be transmitted through sexual contact. Despite the fact that in inflammatory diseases of female genital mycoplasmas and ureaplasma are often found in association with other microorganisms, their role in causing these diseases are not fully established. In the International Classification of Diseases of the last revision, not only did not appear such a disease as ureaplasmosis, but Ureaplasma is not even mentioned as an independent agent of disease. Nevertheless, in cases where there is immunodeficiency or other infections, Ureaplasma may cause the defeat of urogenital organs in women with development of inflammation, and therefore, can be observed, and pregnancy complications (premature delivery, infection of preterm infants with the appearance of their pneumonia) . In cases where there is inflammation caused by ureaplasma talk about ureaplasmosis. Symptoms of inflammation of the urethra is burning and it hurt when you urinate, and in inflammation of the cervix observed yellowish discharge from the vagina. With a proven connection inflammation of the urethra or cervix diagnosed with ureaplasma treated with antibiotics (azithromycin, clarithromycin). Recently ureaplasma develop resistance to antibiotics teratsiklinovogo series, so considered earlier effective Doxycycline no longer has the desired effect in many cases.
If the disease is not, and Ureaplasma detected, it is called carrier state. Carrier status ureaplasma not cause any harm to the body and does not require treatment. In addition, screening for ureaplasma itself is redundant if there are no symptoms. In developed countries, routine examination of pregnant women ureaplasma and mycoplasma are not held in connection with its low value for the outcome of pregnancy. In Russia the situation is the opposite: despite the fact that the survey is not included in the health and economic standards, it is given to all women planning to children, pregnant women and, it seems, even to the coming of preventive check-ups. In addition, if Ureaplasma identified, and this, as you know is half of the women who start a multi-patient treatment, which includes antibiotics, and vpridachu drugs directly to ureaplasma without. Treatment also appoint and sexual partner. After treatment must be taken to test, and if Ureaplasma again detected appoint a new course, which includes 4.5 different drugs. And now you can imagine what extent achieves this campaign. It is natural question arises: what motivates Russia's useless to recommend that doctors test their patients and carry out not only unnecessary but also unsafe treatment: simple ignorance of medical facts, or intention to benefit materially at any cost? I would like to believe that the first, although it is also encouraging. So, dear women, do not hurry to stump up for the tests, let alone take care, if you do not worry. Ask for information to independent and reliable sources.

1 comment:

  1. Can you please cite your sources for this article? I am especially interested in the "Mycoplasma and ureaplasma are very common organisms: they are found in about half of healthy sexually active women, 10% of women who are not sexually active, and 5% of children" part.
