One of the causes of the crisis of modern medicine is that doctors try to cure the individual organs and systems, splitting the people into its constituent parts, separating the physical body of mental activity and from the heart. Forgotten are the precepts of physicians of antiquity, which states that a person - a single entity, rather than a set of bones, organs, muscles. The man - a bio-energy structure, complex body + soul + mind ". It is in this perspective considers the human Cosmoenergetics - a method of study and use of energy-space fields. About how you can get rid of the disease without the use of drugs, and yet to change their destiny for the better, tell kosmoenerget Oleg.
- Oleg, tell us a little about Cosmoenergetics.
- Cosmoenergetics - is a unique healing practice for the integrated exposure of humans to clean and light energies of the cosmos. Cosmoenergetics reborn in India about 400 years ago. Indian yogis used the first space-based channels. Currently, this area receives its justification and development of the institute "Cosmoenergetics and spetspsihologii" in Moscow headed by the founders Cosmoenergetics Dr. med. Sciences, Rector of the Institute of classic and contemporary psychoanalysis Larissa Fusu Natural Sciences and Dr. Emil Bagirov.
- What makes a complex effect, and how is it unique?
- Energy coming from the Cosmos to Earth is unique in that not only treats the physical human body once for all diseases, accumulated over the years of his life, rejuvenating it, cleaning of slag, dirt, and fully restore the power of the person, removing all negative (decay, evil eye, ancestral curses, etc.), expel energosuschnosti make biofield Rights in a holistic and dense, invulnerable to magic, but most importantly - give a powerful impetus for spiritual development. This allows you to change their views to the surrounding world and with himself, brought his soul to love.
- And how long is the recovery?
- Many come hoping for 1 session to get rid of problems, diseases, accumulated over the years. Of course, 1 session gives the overall effect of relief, removes witchcraft, there were cases of getting rid of chronic diseases, but to talk about serious treatment for 1 session does not have to. We do not promise rapid cure. This treatment requires time and attending courses, 10 - 15 sessions, then break 1 - 1,5 months. Number of treatment courses assigned individually. The heavier the disease, the long-term treatment will be. Our goal - not alleviate the patient's condition at the time, and rid it of disease, the problem forever. Writing health can not be nobody, if the person himself does not want anything for it does not. Healing - is hard work not only for the healer, but also for the patient in the first place. It's hard work on himself, his thoughts, emotions, struggle with their weaknesses.
- And how Cosmoenergetics change fate?
- I will try to explain this with an example. I was patient. He made a particular problem with psoriasis. Within six months, lasted until the treatment, he not only got rid of their problems, but also completely changed his fate, he found a soul mate.
The fact that we kosmoenergety, treat not only the individual disease, we treat the person as a whole, with all complex problems, both psychological and health-related. Sample. In strongly "tied" to the crown of the diagnosis revealed poorly performing second and fourth chakra. In such cases, people are generally unable to start a family, or it is created only formally (often the husband suffers from impotence or your spouse there is aversion to each other). If the crown of "tied" weaker, then the marriage (though, alternating with failed marriages, the birth of dead or sick children, and so on) is possible. In this case, the diagnosis is revealed dis-or hypofunction of the second or the fourth chakra. These chakras are responsible for childbearing, marital happiness, health of the genitourinary system. After the restoration of the second chakra recover not only the sick bodies, but also establish personal life.
- You treat children?
- Of course. For children under 14 years (this is the age a child is in the field of mother and associated with it) in the beginning we hold sessions only with the mother, at least 10. Ideally, when the sessions are attended by both parents. Only after working with her mother, we begin to work with the child. Mothers need to know that no matter what her child was sick, it happens as a result of violations of dyadic relationships (mother - child), caused by the problem posed by his mother: anxious, depressed, long missing at home, does not meet the needs of the child's mother causes various disorders and disease even in initially very healthy children. Increased demands on the child also often lead to serious illness.
- Tell us about the principle of treatment of cosmic energy.
-Despite the high efficiency of our method, it has some features:
1.eto longer duration, from 10 sessions (1.5 months) to 60 sessions (1 year) and more. (I mean a full recovery, improvement appears much earlier);
2. patients go through several relapses;
3.nash method involves a compulsory intensive independent work of the patient to correct and improve himself.
Improvement of the patient goes to kosmoenergeticheskom session, which lasts from 15 to 50 minutes. At the session the patient stands with eyes closed, trying to maximize relax both physical and on a psychological level. Do not restrain yourself or physically, or emotionally - to do whatever he wants - to sing, cry, dance, laugh, roar, swing, bend forward, back, etc. Some patients "see" the different pictures, images, to travel. By chance do with anybody in the sessions did not occur. If the "send to my childhood, it usually is, and the period when there was some sort of traumatic or emotional event, which prevents you live, although you can about it and do not remember. Good usvoyte: in our suffering is not in anyone's interest! According to the law of retribution, we only get it as they had sent to the world. Since the first session (assuming that you start to correct itself) in all channels will help you and help ...
- And during the conversation in the room are going to people with different diagnoses?
- Yes, because for each patient opens the channel, which protects it from the others.
- How is the restoration of rights?
-Freedom from disease often goes through the pain and frequent exacerbations. These exacerbation occur many times, and aggravated not only fresh disease, and all diseases that were once - or suffer a person before leaving the patient, as would "float away" ..
The feeling of cold, fear, desire to withdraw immediately during the session is often encountered in getting rid of energosuschnostey, necrotic ties. In addition, the same feelings for the same patient may have a different meaning. So, feeling cold may occur during combustion necrotic ties, leaving energosuschnostey, removing the bindings to the low spiritual worlds, in the chakras, if they are "punched".
Experiences of past incarnations, observed in the sessions, similar to experiences in meditation. They occur without any programming, and often, despite the fact that the patient does not believe in this possibility.
Very often, patients are asked what method differs from the magic in magic and why it quickly, and we have been slow. In magic is often instant perebros our conditioned segments. I want to instantly recover - please, but only after a while you learn that you have given in return. Come quickly to mind folk tales. Comes to a young magician, a beautiful woman: "Save my sister. She is mortally ill. "Savior - meets a magician - but for this you give me your beauty." Or the other story: got into the clutches of the monster and the prince cried out: "Let go, monster, young wife waits for me. "Let go, - said the monster - but for this you give me what you do not know." Yes, to pay for everything, all takes time.
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