Aristotle said: "The smartest chasing not for the fact that pleasure, but for the fact that avoids the troubles"
To explain this simple wisdom of their patients, teach them how to get rid of bad habits - the goal set itself Anzor B. Lobzhanidze, head of the Republican first drug treatment drug treatment clinic, a member of Russia psychological association. His professional and personal life are so closely intertwined that amounted to a kind of symbiosis. The conversation begun on any topic, Anzor B. invisibly translates to medicine.
Immediately after the school Anzor enrolled in the Military - Medical Academy, the Kirov in Leningrad, with a passionate desire to become a surgeon. In his confession, he opted for myself this university - the former Imperial Medico-Surgical Academy, founded in 1798, with great traditions, alumni, faculty, which had been outstanding scientists Pavlov, Bekhterev, Pirogov, Botkin, Dzhanelidze, whose names evoked student Lobzhanidze awe.
After returning to Nalchik took a job at National Drug Dispensary therapist and narcologist. His experience and success in the work enabled him in 2004 to lead the 1-th substance abuse department RND. Anzor B. is of the view that from such terrible diseases as drug addiction and alcoholism, there is no panacea, and that treating such patients should only medical specialists.
- And in general, of course, better not originally ensnared by alcohol and drugs - argues Anzor Borisovich. - And for this, as the poet said, the soul must work day and night. To a man had no time to work unseemly deeds. But if the trouble has come yet to a man, our duty - to treat him with all means available today. We are not pessimists who believe that these diseases are incurable, but we are - realists, emanating from the global experience. And well within the norm obschestatisticheskuyu cured of addiction people.
- For me, all who are drawn to me for help - just sick people - he says. - In general, the circle of people with whom I work, is much wider. Come to me and those who have, perhaps only a temporary problem. I have their names do not patients and clients. This is mainly survivors of stressful situations, patients with neuroses, or in the early stages of alcoholism and drug addiction. My doctor's duty - to help anyone. And then, I sincerely respect their clients, and another for himself thinks. Whoever comes to me at the reception, I never feel irritation. And moreover, I can not look at them as criminals. Even so, I can not do any such medical ethics, nor my purely human position. Each trying to find something positive, for which he could cling to wrest it from the hands of the disease.
However, not everything depends on the doctor. Treat drug addicts or alcoholics without his desire, futile exercise. Target doctor - to form his installation in a healthy lifestyle. And then will only have to show him the path to healing.
Patients speak about Anzor Borisovich, as a kindly soul, correctly, look into all the subtleties of the disease and treatment.
"I, - says one of the patients A. Lobzhanidze - have experienced all the" charms of mood-elevating life "and am glad that fate would have it bring me precisely Anzor Borisovich. I was most struck by his sincere interest in the fate of each patient, the desire to help break out of the pool dissolute life. This, of course, his duty, he is bound by an oath of Hippocrates, but, unfortunately, not all doctors she is correct. Patients substance abuse department № 1 daily feel the care of a doctor. His sincere interest in their state of physical, mental and moral health, his questions about mood, about how the night passed - all this strengthens the belief in healing, is its credibility. He finds time to talk heart to heart with anyone seeking the path to the heart, finds the only way of treatment. But a contingent of his office, as they say, not a gift. Here is a veteran addicts, alcoholics with mental disorders who, frankly, nothing is sacred. And these people Anzor B. returns to normal life, or trying to do everything possible so that they have regained the forgotten under the influence of drugs or alcohol, family, parents.
It takes several weeks of hospitalization in this hospital, and it discharged. It follows from this man, heal psychological wounds, with faith in the future, with the desire to join the mainstream of the present, and not a "mirage-like" life. And I hope that many of the patients come out of the RND with a desire to benefit the family, friends, society, finally, themselves.
At the reception to A. Lobzhanidze come and those who are currently experiencing a temporary spiritual discomfort. The range of issues on which treated him as a therapist, is very wide. Competent work of the therapist, a psychiatrist helping people to live. Often come young people suffering from family disharmony. One day he came to husband and wife who have lived together for two years, complaining that not coexist. The doctor spent an elementary test. Both gave a sheet of paper and asked to give answers to his questions: "What is most important in your life? Your values? What are your goals? ". Moreover, in descending order of importance. This simple test provided an opportunity to accurately assess the state of the inner world of the spouses. My husband was a scale of values: work, car, money, relationships with friends, leisure, and in last place - the family. My wife has the same values were distributed in this order: love, children, health, welfare, etc., that is, it has turned upside down of values in relation to her husband's.
- I do not want to say that it is absolutely wrong to one or another scale of values, - says Lobzhanidze. - But from this simple example shows that the interests of the spouses do not coincide.
Of course, two identical people do not exist. Hence, it is still necessary to "adjust oneself" to each other, to give something, in general, to some extent to try to change themselves to live in harmony with their preferred choice. If people are interested to establish the relationship, they tend to listen to our advice and benefiting from them.
There are people that disagree with everything and everyone. Such a doctor patiently teaches that it is impossible to remake the world once, so it is helpful to change their attitude. Everyone has long known that our attitude to something is often characterized by short-term state of the soul.
Human life - a complicated thing. Not all of it smooth, ups and downs, successes and failures. We must understand one thing: not just failure or defeat, there is only feedback. - Even doing wrong - says Doctor Lobzhanidze - we get an object lesson of life, which will undoubtedly use in the future. So, do not reproach yourself, do not carry in itself an insult. Nothing passes without a trace, is useless. Never too late to correct something and start all over again.
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