As everyone knows, the connection of bones, which are available in the body of any of us can be divided into three different types. Because the joint is made up of a special connective tissue, then the concrete structure can vary, while maintaining the most important task - a variety of compounds formed from elements of the bone.
Thus, the joints in the human skeleton allowed to fasten the bone unclosing compound polupodvizhnym and able to move. In the very first version of the connection of bones does not allow movement. Similarly connected cranial bones. The latter movement is possible, but in part, to a certain number of interest. This, for example, intervertebral connection range. I mean, people can stoop in front of him - but that with regard to the slope in the opposite direction, then in the normal state of the ridge, he is practically not possible.
In the latter case, if able to run the connection, the normal rate of motion is significantly increasing. With such joints are the hands, feet, neck.
When we meet with the disease of bone joints, often the maximum number of problems arise with those in the normal state gives more looseness, ie, can treat the latter group. After all, not excluding uncomfortable and, subsequently, painful sensations, considerably worse motor function of the patient's joint. Some difficulties with the compounds of bones may be associated with the aging process in nature. Similarly, for example, may be hip, which often play tricks with the representatives of the older generation.
All the same problems with joints can arise not only from representatives of an older age. Deviations of the joints, including relatively rare, but any changes that occur in even the youngish age, and besides subsequently, by the way, physical injury is required at the right time to start take medical treatment. Clearly, each eager to emergency treatment of a disease, but the situation with the compounds of bones is particularly important because the connective tissue is extremely vulnerable and has the ability to cause much trouble, and healing over time become less yielding results and more expensive. Sometimes to the point that may require total joint replacement, ie, the replacement of natural joints in the plastic element. Endoprosthesis means to change the internal, that is, the prosthesis is placed inside the compound bone of our body. Different materials from which prostheses are made, can have a varied life - from 5 to 30 years and give a chance to lead normal and active way of life.
In this case correctly, of course, maintain sanatory lifestyle and balanced is to escape from problems with the joints of bones. That can contribute vitamins, trace elements and a moderate amount of calories.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Chlamydia. The disease causes chlamydia, parasites on the mucous membranes of various organs. This is not a benign infection suffer 2-3 times more often than gonorrhea. Men can cause inflammation of the urethra, prostate, epididymis, and rectum in homosexual acts and even destruction of the joints. In women, causes inflammation of the urethra, fallopian tubes and cervix, changes in the structure of its mucous membrane, can cause ectopic pregnancy. In children, because of the disease occur destruction of mucous membranes of the eyes, lungs, ear, it can lead to the death of newborns. Chlamydia is the cause of venereal lymphogranuloma adults, caught the infection is usually in tropical countries.
Symptoms and flow. The first symptoms usually appear 1-2 weeks after contact with patients. Men usually complain of mucopurulent, translucent or watery discharge from the urethra, itching or pain when urinating. Sponges urethra are slightly reddened, swollen, often sticky. In some cases, symptoms are absent, although a person is infected through sexual contact and can infect their partner. Over time, itching in the urethra is reduced or completely, separation becomes insignificant and is usually observed only in the morning before the "first" of urine. However, this does not mean that the disease has passed, it shifted from acute to chronic infection with the spread along the urethra.
Quite often there are lesions of the prostate. Appear discomfort in the perineum, rectum, pulling back pain. Urethral minor, rheuma, usually in the mornings. Another common complication of chlamydia in men is an inflammation of the epididymis. It often begins suddenly. Temperature rises, becomes edematous scrotum, her skin hot, red and tense, parorchis increases. Sometimes the pain spread to the inguinal canal. Patients may disrupt the formation of sperm, develop infertility. A major complication is Reiter's syndrome. In this disease, in addition to the urethra, affects the conjunctiva and joints (usually knee and ankle). Sometimes the illness lasts a few months.
In women, chlamydia usually parasitic on the mucous membrane of the urethra and cervix. Appear allocation, itching, burning, frequent urge to urinate, mucous-purulent discharge, pain, heaviness in the pelvis. Often infection progresses to the mucous membrane of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Accompanied by pain in the abdomen, general malaise, fever, irregular menstruation, increased uterus, slizistognoynymi secretions. Sometimes the temperature rises to 40 deg C. However, more than half of the patients no signs of illness, and therefore they do not seek medical help. Meanwhile, the consequences of this inflammatory process are quite serious - from infertility and ectopic pregnancy to preterm birth and death in childbirth of mothers and children. Nulliparous women with chlamydia do not have to use intrauterine contraceptive devices (coils), as well as their use contributes to complicating inflammation appendages. It is better to avoid the introduction of the spiral has endured an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The cause of exacerbations of chlamydia in women can be sexual partners who did not know they have it, without end "flashes" of the infection.
Cytomegalovirus infection. Sexually transmitted. Pathogen - CMV is found in saliva, urine, blood, breast milk, secretions from the vagina and cervix, as well as in extremely large quantities in semen. Most often found in the genital tract of women with promiscuity.
Cytomegalovirus infection in adults is common and usually asymptomatic, with a slight degree of destruction of the lungs and liver, usually without jaundice, recalling a very mild form of hepatitis. The infected can shed the virus from saliva (up to 4 weeks) and urine (up to 2 years). Children infected in utero from the mother. One of thousands of newborns with serious complications that can lead either to the death of the fetus in the womb, or cause congenital deformities. Scabies infectious disease that is transmitted through close contact with the patient, in most cases, through sex or when sharing a bed. The connection between the rising incidence of scabies and sexually transmitted diseases in sexually active age group of 16-29 years. The sexual partner is often the source of infection, but the sexually transmitted disease called scabies is not true, because the agent is a parasite on the skin and sexual intercourse is the only condition of close contact. As is evident from the title, the patient's skin itches, especially in the evening and at night. To the wrists visible mangy moves - wavy whitish or gray, slightly rising line. Often the end of their ends a transparent bubble. In addition to moves on the spot ticks and bites the young males there are small, blister-like nodules, which are covered by scratching bloody crusts. Constant scratching, damaging the skin, promote the ingress of microbes in it and suppuration. Scabies rash, but brushes (especially between the toes), is located on the palms on the chest (near the nipples, especially in women), abdomen, buttocks, penis in men, behind the knees.
Chancroid (soft chancre, chancroid). Isolated cases of the disease, marked in our country, linked to the importation of infection from abroad. The main mode of infection - sex. Causative is streptobatsilla, easily detected by microscopic examination of fluid from the sores. Pus soft chancre at room temperature remains the infectiousness of up to 8 days. The incubation period of chancroid in men often is 2.3 days, in rare cases up to 2-3 weeks. In women, this period is longer: up to 2-3 weeks. Characterized by the appearance of peculiar festering sores with soft ground, prone to inoculation of the genital organs. 3-4 weeks after the formation of ulcers of the bottom of them begins to be purged of pus, granulation and appear in 1-2 months, the process ends scarring. Immunity after chancroid is left. The disease may be complicated by lesions of the lymphatic system, as well as the development of phimosis and paraphimosis. Chancroid should be differentiated from chancre, herpes simplex virus and other diseases.
PRINCIPLES transmitted disease treatment
Treatment of diseases that are transmitted sexually, is held after the diagnosis and confirmed by laboratory studies. Arsenal of drugs rather extensive, but at present are the major antimicrobials: antibiotics and sulfonamides. For the treatment of syphilis most commonly used drugs penicillin group, which injected intramuscularly or endolymphatic. Individual, daily dose and the course chosen by a doctor individually depending on the stage of disease, age, patient's weight, concomitant diseases.
Duration of treatment for several days to 1-2 months. In order to guarantee complete recovery after treatment for patients being long-term (up to 5 years) clinical, laboratory, dispensary observation. Final conclusion about the cure of syphilis is done by specialists only after this period: patients are not prohibited then start a family and having children. For each of the specific medicine has its own indications and contraindications. The most serious complications of treatment with antibiotics is anaphylactic shock. Of the other complications must be borne in mind - toksidermii, dizziness, fainting, thrombophlebitis, toxic-allergic condition. In such cases, prescribe antihistamines. In the case of intolerance to penicillin, erythromycin, or use drugs tetracycline number (tetracycline, olitetrin, doxycycline). Side effects of erythromycin are rare (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and prolonged use - jaundice). Tetracycline should not be administered to pregnant women, while treating them in the summer should avoid prolonged sunlight exposure because of the possible manifestations of photosensitizing action.
Preparations of bismuth used in the later stages of syphilis, they are administered concurrently with antibiotics. Side effects are rare, they are usually limited to the emergence of so-called bismuth fringe - a narrow strip of gray on the edge of the dental gums, as well as bismuth cells in the urine - an incarnate of the renal epithelium.
Iodine is not acting on the pale treponem is only a subsidiary tool in promoting resorption of infiltrates and designated intervals between treatments, as well as nocturnal pain in the joints, bones. 3-5% solution of potassium iodide are inside and 1 tablespoon three times daily after meals, it is better with milk, soda or mineral water. In some cases, iodine preparations cause side effects - destruction of mucous membranes and skin (conjunctivitis, rhinitis, swelling of the tongue, larynx, bronchitis), gastrointestinal disorders, as well as toksidermii, often in the form of acne.
Although protivosifiliticheskaya drug therapy has a high effect, it is useful to combine with stimulants. This primarily refers to the late forms of the disease, to patients who have comorbidities, including alcoholism. The methods of non-specific therapies include: pyrotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, injection of biogenic stimulators (extracts of aloe, placenta, vitreous body, Splenin), immunomodulators (levamisole, diufitsin, Methyluracilum, piroksan, etc.), vitamins, especially C and Group B.
External therapy in most cases not appropriate to use, it resorted to only in individual cases. Local treatment is reduced mainly to hygienic maintenance of affected places. If the patient's large ulcer, multiple chancre with significant infiltrates appoint warm baths, lotions and solutions of benzylpenicillin in demikside, application of ointments "Atsemin, yellow mercury, geparinovoy. To speed up the reversal weeping papules on the genital parts and around the anus recommend powders of calomel mixed with talcum powder, or ointment with antibiotics. In the presence of rash in the mouth (papular and ulcerative tonsillitis) - rinse rivanola, 2% boric acid or grimitsidina (1 ml per glass of water). Treatment of pregnant women and children, as well as the recipients (people who have blood transfused patients with syphilis), and preventive treatment (to prevent contamination of persons who were in close household or sexual contact with syphilis) have their own characteristics and are conducted in accordance with them.
Treatment of patients with gonorrhea and other diseases with a primary lesion of the urinary tract (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureoplazmoz) is venerolagami physicians and gynecologists. Methods depend on the cause of the inflammatory process, its stages, localization, type of infection and tolerability of drugs. Use a variety of antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, tsefalospariny, etc.), sulfonamides (sulfadimizin, sulfaksin, Biseptol etc.) imidazole preparations (trihopol, fazizhin, tinidazole), antifungal agents. After graduating from medical treatment must be monitored up to several months with periodic laboratory testing. The final recovery is installed after the provocation - and substance, exacerbate the process. Duration of treatment: if the process is acute - a few days, chronic - a week.
Prevention. The surest cure for venereal diseases and especially AIDS - fidelity. It truly can be considered safe only with one partner - monogamy, which is perceived as loyalty to one companion for life. However, in reality it is a rare exception. And the main threat to health have a connection with unfamiliar partners. If you notice that soiled underwear is unclear what or you have any discharge from sexual organs (sometimes with itching, pain or burning), frequent and painful urination, pain during sexual intercourse, consult your doctor. This must be done and as soon as the PA body, head, mucous membrane of spots, lumps, sores, blisters, etc., hair loss, change in skin color. All these signs of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. Over time, they may subside without treatment. However, the apparent improvement does not mean that the disease has passed, the appropriate same time for effective treatment is missed. To avoid this, you must follow these rules: If you are concerned that the infection occurred, or after sexual intercourse with an unknown partner, even if there are no signs of infection should immediately seek venereology. Typically, the study helps to detect syphilis, venereal warts, genital herpes, gonorrhea of the rectum and pharynx, but the infection, symptoms, diagnosis is difficult. This may require repeated tests, sometimes in the hospital. All this, of course, unpleasant, but it seems a trifle next to the really unpleasant consequences when the lost time.
So, if there are any suspicions should be, first, to see a doctor (rather than trying to cure yourself or with friends), and secondly, to see a doctor without delay (do not wait until everything goes by itself) in Third, access to opportunities to see a specialist (not to lose a lot of time on the diagnosis), and fourthly, to ascertain the nature of his illness did not take antibiotics (because it is difficult to diagnose and contributes to the development of resistance by weakening the possibility of cure).
And if any symptoms yet, but there was a random sexual intercourse and were not taken to prevent an individual? Do I have examined, in what timeframe, and where better to do it? Must - either in the district kozhnovenerologicheskom clinic, or in paragraphs anonymous service. A single analysis is not enough, because the latent period of disease, sexually transmitted infections can range from 2-3 days to several months. The first survey can be done in the absence of any evidence of disease after 10-14 days. At this time, can be identified gonococci and Trichomonas in smears, as well as information about the infection of syphilis. The study should be repeated after 2 months after the suspected exposure, when it becomes a positive Wassermann reaction in syphilis. If there is reason to be afraid of contracting AIDS, the study of blood expedient to carry out no earlier than after 3-6 months after possible infection. Other diseases, sexually transmitted infections (herpes, genital warts, molluscum contagious, and so on.) Detected only in the presence of symptoms. "People do not need to become monks. They need only do stupid things, "- wrote a Swedish specialist. For example, do not engage in a fleeting sexual encounter with a stranger, leaving the house, or not to sleep with someone who is ready for this after the first drink. These people, whether male or female, tend to do so is not the first time. The most reliable means of protection from all diseases, sexually transmitted infections - a condom. It reduces the risk of infection in dozens of times, but, unfortunately, does not give an absolute guarantee for promiscuous. For example, when a kiss could be damaged mucous membrane of the mouth, and through this damage are being introduced in the saliva of the sick germs of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
And if it was a one-night stand without a condom? A man should wash his hands, pee, then thoroughly rinse with warm water and soap, penis, scrotum, thigh and perineum, dry out their towel and wipe with cotton wool soaked in a disinfectant solution. In the urethra, enter 6.8 drops gibitana or tsidipola (gibitan and tsidipol come in special bottles with tips), lightly massaged with external orifice of the urethra. After that, should try not to urinate for 2-3 hours. Underwear is recommended to change.
Women should also wash your hands, pee, wash with warm water and soap genitals, thighs and crotch, dry out their napkin or towel and carefully wipe the pad soaked in a solution gibitana. Then, should proceed with vaginal douching solution gibitana, 150-200 ml (glass). Treatment should be made not later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse.
Symptoms and flow. The first symptoms usually appear 1-2 weeks after contact with patients. Men usually complain of mucopurulent, translucent or watery discharge from the urethra, itching or pain when urinating. Sponges urethra are slightly reddened, swollen, often sticky. In some cases, symptoms are absent, although a person is infected through sexual contact and can infect their partner. Over time, itching in the urethra is reduced or completely, separation becomes insignificant and is usually observed only in the morning before the "first" of urine. However, this does not mean that the disease has passed, it shifted from acute to chronic infection with the spread along the urethra.
Quite often there are lesions of the prostate. Appear discomfort in the perineum, rectum, pulling back pain. Urethral minor, rheuma, usually in the mornings. Another common complication of chlamydia in men is an inflammation of the epididymis. It often begins suddenly. Temperature rises, becomes edematous scrotum, her skin hot, red and tense, parorchis increases. Sometimes the pain spread to the inguinal canal. Patients may disrupt the formation of sperm, develop infertility. A major complication is Reiter's syndrome. In this disease, in addition to the urethra, affects the conjunctiva and joints (usually knee and ankle). Sometimes the illness lasts a few months.
In women, chlamydia usually parasitic on the mucous membrane of the urethra and cervix. Appear allocation, itching, burning, frequent urge to urinate, mucous-purulent discharge, pain, heaviness in the pelvis. Often infection progresses to the mucous membrane of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Accompanied by pain in the abdomen, general malaise, fever, irregular menstruation, increased uterus, slizistognoynymi secretions. Sometimes the temperature rises to 40 deg C. However, more than half of the patients no signs of illness, and therefore they do not seek medical help. Meanwhile, the consequences of this inflammatory process are quite serious - from infertility and ectopic pregnancy to preterm birth and death in childbirth of mothers and children. Nulliparous women with chlamydia do not have to use intrauterine contraceptive devices (coils), as well as their use contributes to complicating inflammation appendages. It is better to avoid the introduction of the spiral has endured an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The cause of exacerbations of chlamydia in women can be sexual partners who did not know they have it, without end "flashes" of the infection.
Cytomegalovirus infection. Sexually transmitted. Pathogen - CMV is found in saliva, urine, blood, breast milk, secretions from the vagina and cervix, as well as in extremely large quantities in semen. Most often found in the genital tract of women with promiscuity.
Cytomegalovirus infection in adults is common and usually asymptomatic, with a slight degree of destruction of the lungs and liver, usually without jaundice, recalling a very mild form of hepatitis. The infected can shed the virus from saliva (up to 4 weeks) and urine (up to 2 years). Children infected in utero from the mother. One of thousands of newborns with serious complications that can lead either to the death of the fetus in the womb, or cause congenital deformities. Scabies infectious disease that is transmitted through close contact with the patient, in most cases, through sex or when sharing a bed. The connection between the rising incidence of scabies and sexually transmitted diseases in sexually active age group of 16-29 years. The sexual partner is often the source of infection, but the sexually transmitted disease called scabies is not true, because the agent is a parasite on the skin and sexual intercourse is the only condition of close contact. As is evident from the title, the patient's skin itches, especially in the evening and at night. To the wrists visible mangy moves - wavy whitish or gray, slightly rising line. Often the end of their ends a transparent bubble. In addition to moves on the spot ticks and bites the young males there are small, blister-like nodules, which are covered by scratching bloody crusts. Constant scratching, damaging the skin, promote the ingress of microbes in it and suppuration. Scabies rash, but brushes (especially between the toes), is located on the palms on the chest (near the nipples, especially in women), abdomen, buttocks, penis in men, behind the knees.
Chancroid (soft chancre, chancroid). Isolated cases of the disease, marked in our country, linked to the importation of infection from abroad. The main mode of infection - sex. Causative is streptobatsilla, easily detected by microscopic examination of fluid from the sores. Pus soft chancre at room temperature remains the infectiousness of up to 8 days. The incubation period of chancroid in men often is 2.3 days, in rare cases up to 2-3 weeks. In women, this period is longer: up to 2-3 weeks. Characterized by the appearance of peculiar festering sores with soft ground, prone to inoculation of the genital organs. 3-4 weeks after the formation of ulcers of the bottom of them begins to be purged of pus, granulation and appear in 1-2 months, the process ends scarring. Immunity after chancroid is left. The disease may be complicated by lesions of the lymphatic system, as well as the development of phimosis and paraphimosis. Chancroid should be differentiated from chancre, herpes simplex virus and other diseases.
PRINCIPLES transmitted disease treatment
Treatment of diseases that are transmitted sexually, is held after the diagnosis and confirmed by laboratory studies. Arsenal of drugs rather extensive, but at present are the major antimicrobials: antibiotics and sulfonamides. For the treatment of syphilis most commonly used drugs penicillin group, which injected intramuscularly or endolymphatic. Individual, daily dose and the course chosen by a doctor individually depending on the stage of disease, age, patient's weight, concomitant diseases.
Duration of treatment for several days to 1-2 months. In order to guarantee complete recovery after treatment for patients being long-term (up to 5 years) clinical, laboratory, dispensary observation. Final conclusion about the cure of syphilis is done by specialists only after this period: patients are not prohibited then start a family and having children. For each of the specific medicine has its own indications and contraindications. The most serious complications of treatment with antibiotics is anaphylactic shock. Of the other complications must be borne in mind - toksidermii, dizziness, fainting, thrombophlebitis, toxic-allergic condition. In such cases, prescribe antihistamines. In the case of intolerance to penicillin, erythromycin, or use drugs tetracycline number (tetracycline, olitetrin, doxycycline). Side effects of erythromycin are rare (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and prolonged use - jaundice). Tetracycline should not be administered to pregnant women, while treating them in the summer should avoid prolonged sunlight exposure because of the possible manifestations of photosensitizing action.
Preparations of bismuth used in the later stages of syphilis, they are administered concurrently with antibiotics. Side effects are rare, they are usually limited to the emergence of so-called bismuth fringe - a narrow strip of gray on the edge of the dental gums, as well as bismuth cells in the urine - an incarnate of the renal epithelium.
Iodine is not acting on the pale treponem is only a subsidiary tool in promoting resorption of infiltrates and designated intervals between treatments, as well as nocturnal pain in the joints, bones. 3-5% solution of potassium iodide are inside and 1 tablespoon three times daily after meals, it is better with milk, soda or mineral water. In some cases, iodine preparations cause side effects - destruction of mucous membranes and skin (conjunctivitis, rhinitis, swelling of the tongue, larynx, bronchitis), gastrointestinal disorders, as well as toksidermii, often in the form of acne.
Although protivosifiliticheskaya drug therapy has a high effect, it is useful to combine with stimulants. This primarily refers to the late forms of the disease, to patients who have comorbidities, including alcoholism. The methods of non-specific therapies include: pyrotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, injection of biogenic stimulators (extracts of aloe, placenta, vitreous body, Splenin), immunomodulators (levamisole, diufitsin, Methyluracilum, piroksan, etc.), vitamins, especially C and Group B.
External therapy in most cases not appropriate to use, it resorted to only in individual cases. Local treatment is reduced mainly to hygienic maintenance of affected places. If the patient's large ulcer, multiple chancre with significant infiltrates appoint warm baths, lotions and solutions of benzylpenicillin in demikside, application of ointments "Atsemin, yellow mercury, geparinovoy. To speed up the reversal weeping papules on the genital parts and around the anus recommend powders of calomel mixed with talcum powder, or ointment with antibiotics. In the presence of rash in the mouth (papular and ulcerative tonsillitis) - rinse rivanola, 2% boric acid or grimitsidina (1 ml per glass of water). Treatment of pregnant women and children, as well as the recipients (people who have blood transfused patients with syphilis), and preventive treatment (to prevent contamination of persons who were in close household or sexual contact with syphilis) have their own characteristics and are conducted in accordance with them.
Treatment of patients with gonorrhea and other diseases with a primary lesion of the urinary tract (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureoplazmoz) is venerolagami physicians and gynecologists. Methods depend on the cause of the inflammatory process, its stages, localization, type of infection and tolerability of drugs. Use a variety of antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, tsefalospariny, etc.), sulfonamides (sulfadimizin, sulfaksin, Biseptol etc.) imidazole preparations (trihopol, fazizhin, tinidazole), antifungal agents. After graduating from medical treatment must be monitored up to several months with periodic laboratory testing. The final recovery is installed after the provocation - and substance, exacerbate the process. Duration of treatment: if the process is acute - a few days, chronic - a week.
Prevention. The surest cure for venereal diseases and especially AIDS - fidelity. It truly can be considered safe only with one partner - monogamy, which is perceived as loyalty to one companion for life. However, in reality it is a rare exception. And the main threat to health have a connection with unfamiliar partners. If you notice that soiled underwear is unclear what or you have any discharge from sexual organs (sometimes with itching, pain or burning), frequent and painful urination, pain during sexual intercourse, consult your doctor. This must be done and as soon as the PA body, head, mucous membrane of spots, lumps, sores, blisters, etc., hair loss, change in skin color. All these signs of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. Over time, they may subside without treatment. However, the apparent improvement does not mean that the disease has passed, the appropriate same time for effective treatment is missed. To avoid this, you must follow these rules: If you are concerned that the infection occurred, or after sexual intercourse with an unknown partner, even if there are no signs of infection should immediately seek venereology. Typically, the study helps to detect syphilis, venereal warts, genital herpes, gonorrhea of the rectum and pharynx, but the infection, symptoms, diagnosis is difficult. This may require repeated tests, sometimes in the hospital. All this, of course, unpleasant, but it seems a trifle next to the really unpleasant consequences when the lost time.
So, if there are any suspicions should be, first, to see a doctor (rather than trying to cure yourself or with friends), and secondly, to see a doctor without delay (do not wait until everything goes by itself) in Third, access to opportunities to see a specialist (not to lose a lot of time on the diagnosis), and fourthly, to ascertain the nature of his illness did not take antibiotics (because it is difficult to diagnose and contributes to the development of resistance by weakening the possibility of cure).
And if any symptoms yet, but there was a random sexual intercourse and were not taken to prevent an individual? Do I have examined, in what timeframe, and where better to do it? Must - either in the district kozhnovenerologicheskom clinic, or in paragraphs anonymous service. A single analysis is not enough, because the latent period of disease, sexually transmitted infections can range from 2-3 days to several months. The first survey can be done in the absence of any evidence of disease after 10-14 days. At this time, can be identified gonococci and Trichomonas in smears, as well as information about the infection of syphilis. The study should be repeated after 2 months after the suspected exposure, when it becomes a positive Wassermann reaction in syphilis. If there is reason to be afraid of contracting AIDS, the study of blood expedient to carry out no earlier than after 3-6 months after possible infection. Other diseases, sexually transmitted infections (herpes, genital warts, molluscum contagious, and so on.) Detected only in the presence of symptoms. "People do not need to become monks. They need only do stupid things, "- wrote a Swedish specialist. For example, do not engage in a fleeting sexual encounter with a stranger, leaving the house, or not to sleep with someone who is ready for this after the first drink. These people, whether male or female, tend to do so is not the first time. The most reliable means of protection from all diseases, sexually transmitted infections - a condom. It reduces the risk of infection in dozens of times, but, unfortunately, does not give an absolute guarantee for promiscuous. For example, when a kiss could be damaged mucous membrane of the mouth, and through this damage are being introduced in the saliva of the sick germs of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
And if it was a one-night stand without a condom? A man should wash his hands, pee, then thoroughly rinse with warm water and soap, penis, scrotum, thigh and perineum, dry out their towel and wipe with cotton wool soaked in a disinfectant solution. In the urethra, enter 6.8 drops gibitana or tsidipola (gibitan and tsidipol come in special bottles with tips), lightly massaged with external orifice of the urethra. After that, should try not to urinate for 2-3 hours. Underwear is recommended to change.
Women should also wash your hands, pee, wash with warm water and soap genitals, thighs and crotch, dry out their napkin or towel and carefully wipe the pad soaked in a solution gibitana. Then, should proceed with vaginal douching solution gibitana, 150-200 ml (glass). Treatment should be made not later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse.
Treatment of joints
Once, early in the morning I was awakened by the doorbell. I got out of bed and opened the door. Before me was a neighbor - a tall, sturdy man of forty years. His face was twisted from the unbearable pain, forehead glistened with drops of sweat. A choked voice he said: "Sergey, what to do? Twenty minutes later I go to work, and I picked up the loins. The pain is unbearable, never such was not with me. Are you a doctor, an experienced person, perhaps something to suggest? "
"History of the familiar, I decided, there are signs of incipient degenerative disc disease. My neighbor - the driver, most of the day holds the wheel. Most likely he had in the cockpit seat adjusted properly, and the constant load on the spine worsened his state of health.
- I'll help you, Nick, but only if you Take it to my advice seriously.
- Yes, I'm not joking, severe pain, there's a time to cry! ..
- Then that's what: Take hold of the top of my door, and I hold it, so my fingers are not pinched. Do not be afraid, not broken!
Nicholas grabbed hold of the top of the door.
- And now the legs bend at the knees and hung so a few minutes.
After resting for fifteen minutes, I asked Nicholas to repeat this hanging again. The pain was gone. When a neighbor finished third hanging, he was able to go to work, without feeling any unpleasant pain. Cause of the pain, I told him, told how to prevent it in the future, and showed a few simple but effective exercises.
What happened to Nicholas, could happen to anyone. Osteochondrosis - a very common disease, it is even called a "disease-century, from him no one is immune.
The appearance of degenerative disc disease is influenced by genetic predisposition, and lifestyle, and the different situations in which we find ourselves sometimes forced, sometimes on their own improvidence.
For example, a pain pierced his back, move became unbearably painful, life was not pretty, ran yesterday, and today even think about the unnecessary movements scary. What to do?
A favorite Russian question. But in this situation it is not necessary to seek a philosophical response, there are very real and very effective recommendations. After reading the website "The treatment of joints, you will learn how to avoid exacerbation of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints, over the years not to feel pain in my back and joints. This is very important to our health, because even a slight headache, appeared for the first time, the pain in the chest, neck or back can be a little bell, warning that the early degenerative disc disease, and the disturbing signal on the existing expressed disease.
Osteochondrosis is a very tricky: for the time being, even with significant injuries of the spine structure of clinical symptoms may be absent - you feel fine, but then suddenly begins a rapid progression of the disease, there is a pronounced clinical picture, and more - serious complications.
We hope that the recommendations and advice given on the site, return the mobility and flexibility of your joints and muscles, relieve you from pain and suffering associated with diseases of the joints!
"History of the familiar, I decided, there are signs of incipient degenerative disc disease. My neighbor - the driver, most of the day holds the wheel. Most likely he had in the cockpit seat adjusted properly, and the constant load on the spine worsened his state of health.
- I'll help you, Nick, but only if you Take it to my advice seriously.
- Yes, I'm not joking, severe pain, there's a time to cry! ..
- Then that's what: Take hold of the top of my door, and I hold it, so my fingers are not pinched. Do not be afraid, not broken!
Nicholas grabbed hold of the top of the door.
- And now the legs bend at the knees and hung so a few minutes.
After resting for fifteen minutes, I asked Nicholas to repeat this hanging again. The pain was gone. When a neighbor finished third hanging, he was able to go to work, without feeling any unpleasant pain. Cause of the pain, I told him, told how to prevent it in the future, and showed a few simple but effective exercises.
What happened to Nicholas, could happen to anyone. Osteochondrosis - a very common disease, it is even called a "disease-century, from him no one is immune.
The appearance of degenerative disc disease is influenced by genetic predisposition, and lifestyle, and the different situations in which we find ourselves sometimes forced, sometimes on their own improvidence.
For example, a pain pierced his back, move became unbearably painful, life was not pretty, ran yesterday, and today even think about the unnecessary movements scary. What to do?
A favorite Russian question. But in this situation it is not necessary to seek a philosophical response, there are very real and very effective recommendations. After reading the website "The treatment of joints, you will learn how to avoid exacerbation of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints, over the years not to feel pain in my back and joints. This is very important to our health, because even a slight headache, appeared for the first time, the pain in the chest, neck or back can be a little bell, warning that the early degenerative disc disease, and the disturbing signal on the existing expressed disease.
Osteochondrosis is a very tricky: for the time being, even with significant injuries of the spine structure of clinical symptoms may be absent - you feel fine, but then suddenly begins a rapid progression of the disease, there is a pronounced clinical picture, and more - serious complications.
We hope that the recommendations and advice given on the site, return the mobility and flexibility of your joints and muscles, relieve you from pain and suffering associated with diseases of the joints!
Symptoms. Take care of the health of the organism.
For the current citizen of one of the very important goals at the present stage of human progress may be the preservation of his health body. A huge number of parts, which are now directly the health of the organism to effectively destroy, can make difficult the achievement of goals. And in that it is the health of the body most can be evaluated in all areas of life, initially, on the labor market sector. It is a healthy employee is more efficient, and therefore can be assessed better.
And with the current free medicine just can not always get a chance to preserve the health of the organism of any one of us. There is not enough that the person did not personally applies force to its savings, so in addition to doctors and such a possibility does not provide. And while the health or at least the early diagnosis of diseases that are known at an early stage very soon and not so difficult healed, need prompt medical diagnosis.
But if you do not have enough free time and desire to meet with community physicians, who are already little time to deal with constantly tenderhearted lack of interaction between retirees, some provisions of really anyone can put off a visit to the doctors, if he will ever listen carefully to the messages that gives us our body. In fact, symptoms of a very large number of diseases, anyone able to identify himself. And only with accurate complaints refer to a specialist. But, in this scenario the main thing - do not delay, because the disease often went out on stage vividly discernible symptoms, can move quickly.
Many of our contemporaries prefer to carry the disease "on the run". In terms of finance is quite natural: there is no need to interrupt the professional activity, and for the organism is not likely to adapt to the relaxation and start being lazy. But in terms of health, all is not quite so convenient. The majority of diseases that were not cured properly, produce different effects, even very seriously. Because "simple" flu can bring to the emergence of diseases of respiratory system, cardiovascular system and general decline in immunity.
In principle, the treatment of diseases today may actually be of great importance. In time the treatment will allow not only to maintain health, but also to minimize the meeting with the doctors, but at the same time - means for treatment.
Protect your health - the monetary benefits.
And with the current free medicine just can not always get a chance to preserve the health of the organism of any one of us. There is not enough that the person did not personally applies force to its savings, so in addition to doctors and such a possibility does not provide. And while the health or at least the early diagnosis of diseases that are known at an early stage very soon and not so difficult healed, need prompt medical diagnosis.
But if you do not have enough free time and desire to meet with community physicians, who are already little time to deal with constantly tenderhearted lack of interaction between retirees, some provisions of really anyone can put off a visit to the doctors, if he will ever listen carefully to the messages that gives us our body. In fact, symptoms of a very large number of diseases, anyone able to identify himself. And only with accurate complaints refer to a specialist. But, in this scenario the main thing - do not delay, because the disease often went out on stage vividly discernible symptoms, can move quickly.
Many of our contemporaries prefer to carry the disease "on the run". In terms of finance is quite natural: there is no need to interrupt the professional activity, and for the organism is not likely to adapt to the relaxation and start being lazy. But in terms of health, all is not quite so convenient. The majority of diseases that were not cured properly, produce different effects, even very seriously. Because "simple" flu can bring to the emergence of diseases of respiratory system, cardiovascular system and general decline in immunity.
In principle, the treatment of diseases today may actually be of great importance. In time the treatment will allow not only to maintain health, but also to minimize the meeting with the doctors, but at the same time - means for treatment.
Protect your health - the monetary benefits.
Porcelain veneers and contemporary treatment of pulpitis
Life rhythm of our people is so accelerated, sometimes simply too busy to ask your dentist about the state of our teeth. Our way of life condone the emergence of dental diseases such as periodontitis and pulpitis. Decent Dental Clinic has all the potential for healing of these diseases.
Caries occurs because of poor hygiene and refined foods. In a situation of intensive caries when fillings can not restore the damage, dentists use microprosthetics teeth. Typically, dental treatment in this manner is applied to the chewing groups. Tabs at microprosthetics can be made as a ceramic, and from expensive metal alloys.
Untreated tooth decay in time could turn into a pulp. The main signs of pulpitis teeth are painful reaction to temperature change, pain during nadkusyvanii and increasing toothache. Pulpitis may be acute or chronic. If the infection gets into the tissue overlying the tooth, it begins periodontitis. First few weeks of periodontitis usually takes 6 months.
Treatment of periodontitis and difficult task. The main preventive measure able to prevent periodontitis and periodontitis is a professional teeth cleaning. In the process of hygienic cleaning doctor removes as soft plaque, and solid form - tartar. Timely removal of tartar prevents the formation of gums and prevents the development of inflammation.
In orthodontics to correct malocclusion using installation brackets. Bracket system may imply lingual braces, ceramic braces, and smiles. Widely used veneers - a Hollywood smile.
Porcelain veneers are used mostly on the front teeth. Veneers is produced by burning or pressing.
Prosthesis podiatrists usually consists in the manufacture of clasp dentures and crowns. To date, widespread crown made of zirconium oxide. From metal-ceramic crowns of their features excellent aesthetics and durability.
Not the last role in aesthetic dentistry is teeth whitening. The most safe and effective method is considered to be tooth whitening Zoom! 2 hours enlightened teeth by 6-12 shades. An important advantage of the ZOOM whitening is that the result is stored for several years.
Implantology is the newest trend in dentistry. Based on the statistics of European countries, we can say with certainty that the implants have successfully replaced natural teeth and even overlay them on durability. The implant is installed on the remote location of the tooth and replace it entirely.
Caries occurs because of poor hygiene and refined foods. In a situation of intensive caries when fillings can not restore the damage, dentists use microprosthetics teeth. Typically, dental treatment in this manner is applied to the chewing groups. Tabs at microprosthetics can be made as a ceramic, and from expensive metal alloys.
Untreated tooth decay in time could turn into a pulp. The main signs of pulpitis teeth are painful reaction to temperature change, pain during nadkusyvanii and increasing toothache. Pulpitis may be acute or chronic. If the infection gets into the tissue overlying the tooth, it begins periodontitis. First few weeks of periodontitis usually takes 6 months.
Treatment of periodontitis and difficult task. The main preventive measure able to prevent periodontitis and periodontitis is a professional teeth cleaning. In the process of hygienic cleaning doctor removes as soft plaque, and solid form - tartar. Timely removal of tartar prevents the formation of gums and prevents the development of inflammation.
In orthodontics to correct malocclusion using installation brackets. Bracket system may imply lingual braces, ceramic braces, and smiles. Widely used veneers - a Hollywood smile.
Porcelain veneers are used mostly on the front teeth. Veneers is produced by burning or pressing.
Prosthesis podiatrists usually consists in the manufacture of clasp dentures and crowns. To date, widespread crown made of zirconium oxide. From metal-ceramic crowns of their features excellent aesthetics and durability.
Not the last role in aesthetic dentistry is teeth whitening. The most safe and effective method is considered to be tooth whitening Zoom! 2 hours enlightened teeth by 6-12 shades. An important advantage of the ZOOM whitening is that the result is stored for several years.
Implantology is the newest trend in dentistry. Based on the statistics of European countries, we can say with certainty that the implants have successfully replaced natural teeth and even overlay them on durability. The implant is installed on the remote location of the tooth and replace it entirely.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Oil of cedar wood and nuts. Health Siberia.
Ringing Cedars of Siberia give health
As a person is willing to transfer all the best for their children, so the giant Siberian forest - Siberian cedar puts all the best in their seeds - pine nuts. So it turns out that every nut cedar cones contains the potential for huge powerful tree that lives up to 800 years. It fills the pine nuts and products made of cedar not only the necessary vitamins and trace elements, but special power. The Ringing Cedars - the so-called trees, these generous, full of energy of love and kindness.
Most prized cedar oil, which since ancient times was considered a means of a hundred diseases. Pine nuts are used for the preparation of cedar oil, have excellent environmental purity, there's growing location of the Siberian cedar is not treated with chemicals, it grows in the wild.
The use of cedar oil is not only in environmental friendliness, but also a high content of vitamins, lecithin and other natural antioxidants. These substances are needed to protect cell membranes from damage associated with age, environment, eating disorders, emotions and stress. The greater the percentage of lecithin in the cells, the greater the strength and health of humans, improves the function of organs of perception, the world begins to play with new colors.
But it is the chemical aspect, but on a more subtle level, we can say that applying cedar oil, we begin to live in harmony with the surrounding world and we can fully address their basic living tasks. Energy Siberian cedar is very well contribute to the disclosure of internal capacity and the development of latent abilities. Also, cedar oil is an excellent natural cosmetics that is applied to the skin for a long time to stay young and full of health.
In addition to cedar oil Siberian cedar gives us and other products made of cedar. Primarily, this sap from pine and cedar oil cake. As well as the production of oil, the effectiveness of all products from cedar largely depends on the method of its preparation. For example, pine resin (pitch pine) should be derived only from those trees that are ready to give themselves the resin, otherwise it will lose much of its medicinal properties.
Therefore, when choosing products made of cedar, it is important to give preference to manufacturers that you can trust and who respects the Siberian cedar, understands its importance to mankind, not just extracts the maximum economic benefit for themselves. It is important that manufacturers understand the meaning of "ringing cedars, the trees could see the eyes of our ancestors, to feel some of them are ready to share his inexhaustible energy. The company "Happy House" offers products made of cedar, made just such a producer.
Buy products made of cedar, you can visit our "Cedar bench. Cedar oil, which we propose has the taste of fresh pine nuts, as produced by special technology, fully preserving the healing properties of cedar.
As a person is willing to transfer all the best for their children, so the giant Siberian forest - Siberian cedar puts all the best in their seeds - pine nuts. So it turns out that every nut cedar cones contains the potential for huge powerful tree that lives up to 800 years. It fills the pine nuts and products made of cedar not only the necessary vitamins and trace elements, but special power. The Ringing Cedars - the so-called trees, these generous, full of energy of love and kindness.
Most prized cedar oil, which since ancient times was considered a means of a hundred diseases. Pine nuts are used for the preparation of cedar oil, have excellent environmental purity, there's growing location of the Siberian cedar is not treated with chemicals, it grows in the wild.
The use of cedar oil is not only in environmental friendliness, but also a high content of vitamins, lecithin and other natural antioxidants. These substances are needed to protect cell membranes from damage associated with age, environment, eating disorders, emotions and stress. The greater the percentage of lecithin in the cells, the greater the strength and health of humans, improves the function of organs of perception, the world begins to play with new colors.
But it is the chemical aspect, but on a more subtle level, we can say that applying cedar oil, we begin to live in harmony with the surrounding world and we can fully address their basic living tasks. Energy Siberian cedar is very well contribute to the disclosure of internal capacity and the development of latent abilities. Also, cedar oil is an excellent natural cosmetics that is applied to the skin for a long time to stay young and full of health.
In addition to cedar oil Siberian cedar gives us and other products made of cedar. Primarily, this sap from pine and cedar oil cake. As well as the production of oil, the effectiveness of all products from cedar largely depends on the method of its preparation. For example, pine resin (pitch pine) should be derived only from those trees that are ready to give themselves the resin, otherwise it will lose much of its medicinal properties.
Therefore, when choosing products made of cedar, it is important to give preference to manufacturers that you can trust and who respects the Siberian cedar, understands its importance to mankind, not just extracts the maximum economic benefit for themselves. It is important that manufacturers understand the meaning of "ringing cedars, the trees could see the eyes of our ancestors, to feel some of them are ready to share his inexhaustible energy. The company "Happy House" offers products made of cedar, made just such a producer.
Buy products made of cedar, you can visit our "Cedar bench. Cedar oil, which we propose has the taste of fresh pine nuts, as produced by special technology, fully preserving the healing properties of cedar.
Bioenergy treatments
Are practically no people who at least once heard about energy or bioenergy treatments. What is this concept and how to know about it? Recently, the topic interested many, and probably not in vain.
Bioenergy permeates the entire space of the universe, manages all the processes occurring in it and supports the information-energy relationship between all who are in this space - and the living and nonliving objects. Bioenergy provides us with the human environment, the connection between consciousness and the psyche, the interaction of all internal organs, etc. This is a necessary component of the health and strength, we are constantly required to commit any deeds and acts.
This is - a reality, and it exists.
"Bioelectronic Ocean energy metabolism of the human body is a free flow of bioenergy, which covers the entire body. Bioenergy affects the psychological functions, including thinking, feeling and movement. Anything that disrupts the current free energy, affects our feelings, our integrity. The world that surrounds us, our thoughts, everything that we feel about ourselves and we can provide, and that while we can not imagine at this stage of its development - is the energy field. Something has tremendous energy, something not very. All this flows, changing places, is dissolved in each other, absorbed and modified. The process is infinite in time and space. Every atom, molecule, particle, their connections, simple and complex, large and small talk about themselves, about their structure, development, give the space of information. What, how? Vibrations, which they emit. All - vibration. Sound, light - the vibration. Thought - Vibration. Waves - vibrations. Etc. The whole world around. Vibration - the basis of future therapies. This is a lot of talk and write.
Has been born, this long time ago, in the eastern religions. On the basis of ideas and philosophies of the ancient East the notion of what is now called the energy-medicine, and for thousands of years before the West. According to these representations all diseases begin to develop first at the level of energy, and only then affect the body material.
Bioenergy treatment - not a fashion in recent years. It is in one form or another has always existed. This method of healing, most likely applied yet, Jesus Christ, saving people from diseases and ailments.
Human biofield. What role it plays in life? Man is not only a material body, but the energy radiation, which extended beyond its physical size. It is this radiation and called biofield (aura). Until recently, most people refused to believe in the existence of human bio-field, and now it even photographed.
Aura - a two-layer field structure inside and outside our body. Aura contains information about the physical condition of the human body, reflects his emotions, thoughts, feelings, and even the aspirations of the mind. This information can be used for diagnosis and treatment of humans. In the image of the aura can be judged on how a person is healthy, his character, what he thinks and to aspire to. Aura - an indispensable indicator of the human condition, this "monitor" to see all the problems that can not be seen with the naked eye or with conventional physical examination. As the aura, you can determine what happens to a man than he was ill.
Man has a limited range of perception of different vibrations. For example, we do not see all the colors, do not hear all sounds. We see no parallel worlds. We do not know how to read people's thoughts. Although it may be for the better. We are not yet ready to see more. But time goes. In the process of evolution, we are developing, albeit not very noticeable. Some senses are developing more, some as unnecessary in the development process stops. Some people (and their are more and more) can see the aura of other people.
It's nice that it is in Russia, the technical feasibility in real-time status of human bio-field for the first time gave us Professor KG Korotkov, PhD, professor of computer systems design, St. Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics.
They developed a method of gas-discharge visualization (GDV), which allows real-time measure the potential energy reserve of the organism, and to record his reactions to various influences. GRV method - the world's first method is simple and with a high degree of confidence to explore the fields of biological objects of different nature - from the structural state of water to energy homeostasis rights as well as Energy and phenomena.
The method has been widely distributed in Europe, USA, Australia, Korea, Japan, and has found application in medicine, psychology, biophysics, ecology, preparation of athletes.
Regarding statements against bio-energy treatments. As the saying goes, the dogs bark but the caravan goes. The fact is that bio-energy therapy operates is not logic, and other concepts and laws, therefore, not only survives in a stream of hostility, but also successfully developed. No one ever recorded by any of the traditional instrument and has not confirmed the existence of, for example, headache. What, then, is not it? Some things we can only feel, sometimes they did not understand until the end. Music, for example.
The therapeutic effect of treatment due to the normalization process of bioenergy metabolism. Bioenergetic balance and harmony in all manifestations of energy - this is a guarantee of our health and excellent health. If any violations of the same energy and its balance in the body the problem starts. First, they occur on the emotional, energy and information level, and then - on the physical. No straightening power, nothing can be done with physical condition. Everything is interconnected.
Using energy methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases is the basis for many new developments - the 21 st century technologies. As a result, the 15-year research team of developers from Murmansk Russia had created a unique product - a CD-drives (synchronizers Time) - new energy information tools based on the work of torsion fields, places of power of the Kola Peninsula.
Is a generator of high-frequency vibrations and harmonizer space. Their interesting and unique properties can be viewed on the website "CD-ROM. Energy and water of life ".
Allows you to remove energy-destruction, karmic complexes, correction of the field structure and its diagnosis, receive structured products, water, and much more.
Your body will be very grateful if you get yourself a gift - a CD-ROM - a gift from the hands of nature itself.
Bioenergy permeates the entire space of the universe, manages all the processes occurring in it and supports the information-energy relationship between all who are in this space - and the living and nonliving objects. Bioenergy provides us with the human environment, the connection between consciousness and the psyche, the interaction of all internal organs, etc. This is a necessary component of the health and strength, we are constantly required to commit any deeds and acts.
This is - a reality, and it exists.
"Bioelectronic Ocean energy metabolism of the human body is a free flow of bioenergy, which covers the entire body. Bioenergy affects the psychological functions, including thinking, feeling and movement. Anything that disrupts the current free energy, affects our feelings, our integrity. The world that surrounds us, our thoughts, everything that we feel about ourselves and we can provide, and that while we can not imagine at this stage of its development - is the energy field. Something has tremendous energy, something not very. All this flows, changing places, is dissolved in each other, absorbed and modified. The process is infinite in time and space. Every atom, molecule, particle, their connections, simple and complex, large and small talk about themselves, about their structure, development, give the space of information. What, how? Vibrations, which they emit. All - vibration. Sound, light - the vibration. Thought - Vibration. Waves - vibrations. Etc. The whole world around. Vibration - the basis of future therapies. This is a lot of talk and write.
Has been born, this long time ago, in the eastern religions. On the basis of ideas and philosophies of the ancient East the notion of what is now called the energy-medicine, and for thousands of years before the West. According to these representations all diseases begin to develop first at the level of energy, and only then affect the body material.
Bioenergy treatment - not a fashion in recent years. It is in one form or another has always existed. This method of healing, most likely applied yet, Jesus Christ, saving people from diseases and ailments.
Human biofield. What role it plays in life? Man is not only a material body, but the energy radiation, which extended beyond its physical size. It is this radiation and called biofield (aura). Until recently, most people refused to believe in the existence of human bio-field, and now it even photographed.
Aura - a two-layer field structure inside and outside our body. Aura contains information about the physical condition of the human body, reflects his emotions, thoughts, feelings, and even the aspirations of the mind. This information can be used for diagnosis and treatment of humans. In the image of the aura can be judged on how a person is healthy, his character, what he thinks and to aspire to. Aura - an indispensable indicator of the human condition, this "monitor" to see all the problems that can not be seen with the naked eye or with conventional physical examination. As the aura, you can determine what happens to a man than he was ill.
Man has a limited range of perception of different vibrations. For example, we do not see all the colors, do not hear all sounds. We see no parallel worlds. We do not know how to read people's thoughts. Although it may be for the better. We are not yet ready to see more. But time goes. In the process of evolution, we are developing, albeit not very noticeable. Some senses are developing more, some as unnecessary in the development process stops. Some people (and their are more and more) can see the aura of other people.
It's nice that it is in Russia, the technical feasibility in real-time status of human bio-field for the first time gave us Professor KG Korotkov, PhD, professor of computer systems design, St. Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics.
They developed a method of gas-discharge visualization (GDV), which allows real-time measure the potential energy reserve of the organism, and to record his reactions to various influences. GRV method - the world's first method is simple and with a high degree of confidence to explore the fields of biological objects of different nature - from the structural state of water to energy homeostasis rights as well as Energy and phenomena.
The method has been widely distributed in Europe, USA, Australia, Korea, Japan, and has found application in medicine, psychology, biophysics, ecology, preparation of athletes.
Regarding statements against bio-energy treatments. As the saying goes, the dogs bark but the caravan goes. The fact is that bio-energy therapy operates is not logic, and other concepts and laws, therefore, not only survives in a stream of hostility, but also successfully developed. No one ever recorded by any of the traditional instrument and has not confirmed the existence of, for example, headache. What, then, is not it? Some things we can only feel, sometimes they did not understand until the end. Music, for example.
The therapeutic effect of treatment due to the normalization process of bioenergy metabolism. Bioenergetic balance and harmony in all manifestations of energy - this is a guarantee of our health and excellent health. If any violations of the same energy and its balance in the body the problem starts. First, they occur on the emotional, energy and information level, and then - on the physical. No straightening power, nothing can be done with physical condition. Everything is interconnected.
Using energy methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases is the basis for many new developments - the 21 st century technologies. As a result, the 15-year research team of developers from Murmansk Russia had created a unique product - a CD-drives (synchronizers Time) - new energy information tools based on the work of torsion fields, places of power of the Kola Peninsula.
Is a generator of high-frequency vibrations and harmonizer space. Their interesting and unique properties can be viewed on the website "CD-ROM. Energy and water of life ".
Allows you to remove energy-destruction, karmic complexes, correction of the field structure and its diagnosis, receive structured products, water, and much more.
Your body will be very grateful if you get yourself a gift - a CD-ROM - a gift from the hands of nature itself.
Environmental food safety.
Environmentally friendly products - one of the most important problems of modern economies. In the current economic conditions, many enterprises for the processing of raw materials only started to improve the technological processes of processing of raw materials. All this adversely affects the quality of food. To compensate for the risks and environmental safety of food products in industrialized countries implemented the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. This system allows for quality control in the manufacture of food products by the level of risk criteria. However, not only the manufacturing process requires strict control, the same applies to the processing and storage of food. Often it is improper storage of food leads to the fact that they fall into the category of environmentally unsafe.
Speaking generally about the environmental safety of food, then here it is about respect for the vital interests of environmental rights: a clean, healthy, favorable to life environment. Environmental food safety - a global problem, because not only affects human health, but affects the entire economy. Food quality affects the quality of life, social activity, also affects the demographic aspect of his existence. Therefore, to ensure a high standard of living rights in the state, the economy should be given to the ecological food safety a high priority.
In modern conditions people less confidence in the quality of products. It is related to the deteriorating environmental conditions (increased use of chemicals and the industrialization of production), and with genetic modification of food and low quality control in food production.
Therefore, environmental safety of food products - a complex problem, which is designed to solve as biochemists, microbiologists and manufacturers, sanitary-epidemiological service and of course, the public authorities.
Speaking generally about the environmental safety of food, then here it is about respect for the vital interests of environmental rights: a clean, healthy, favorable to life environment. Environmental food safety - a global problem, because not only affects human health, but affects the entire economy. Food quality affects the quality of life, social activity, also affects the demographic aspect of his existence. Therefore, to ensure a high standard of living rights in the state, the economy should be given to the ecological food safety a high priority.
In modern conditions people less confidence in the quality of products. It is related to the deteriorating environmental conditions (increased use of chemicals and the industrialization of production), and with genetic modification of food and low quality control in food production.
Therefore, environmental safety of food products - a complex problem, which is designed to solve as biochemists, microbiologists and manufacturers, sanitary-epidemiological service and of course, the public authorities.
Disclosure of the secret of happiness, longevity and health
Today, given the current level of real-life troubles with health are present in virtually every human being. Often referred to above is not tied only to the environment in the community, but also with the version of his life directly to the person who chose a man. In fact, in anything you want on the planet is a real opportunity to examine personal lifestyle and try to purify it from negative situations. However, about that not too many who worry until such time as the proper proportion of its validity will not take what any illness or disease directly, even a pair of donated not relevant variant of ordinary life. In general, it should take into account that the line between not the correct version of life and relevant, and sometimes the reality is transparent. Looking back on his mistakes, absolutely every adult person in the world must from an early age to teach their kids to the elementary laws and regulations, which in general, and given the opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To achieve optimal performance of the prototype will be the rules and canons directly by adults. First, according to the laws should be treated quality sleep. Dream in reality, anything man has a significant role, as gives a real chance to relax is not purely a body, but also psychologically. Well, that's how the body can recover within a certain time of sleep, will depend not only on the length, obviously, among other things, must be an adult not less than 6 hours, well, for a child not less than 8, 9 hours a day, but also many other important conditions. For example, the bed must be comfortable, fully consistent with human stature, and of course, and with an orthopedic mattress. Actually before going to bed fully and compulsorily need to ventilate absolutely all facilities, supplying them with fresh air, and in addition would need to walk on air. Is important also to say that the result of sleep a person anywhere in appreciable degree will clearly be fully dependent on the state in which he personally goes to sleep. For example, in the form if he is upset about something or is excited, then surely it is not just long for a time unable to sleep, but at the same time and get up after sleeping in a bad state. Therefore, proper bedtime is not correct to look at news on teleyaschiku, and listen to the quiet, pleasant music, which posodeystvuet bring the human nervous system to normal. There is a special focus on valuable component of a healthy lifestyle of a person you like, and specifically on proper nutrition. At the same time need to know that certain mandatory option in the diet, specifically, to adults in general, and the kids clearly need to be absolutely open to all sorts vitamins and minerals. In addition, healthy diet will, in principle, as such, directly unless all the vitamins and minerals, the body will draw from natural products. In the future, proper nutrition is not just only in a special number and availability of all required elements and vitamins, and many other important points. Directly to them with the conviction to include mealtimes, as well in addition to numerical quantity. At least, in almost any adult resident of the planet must be unequivocal in the case of breakfast, lunch and dinner of course mandatory. It should not sit down to dine late at night, particularly before you go to bed. Since this fact does not only affect the full value of sleep, but also for digestion in general.
Something about hair
When hair washing water in any case should not be too grief someone. Very useful for washing hair in the completion of a cold shower - hair will shine beautifully, and the scalp improves blood circulation.
Wet hair can be combed only after you have caused hair conditioner or rinse with Sargassum-conditioning effect.
Dry hair is particularly vulnerable to the impact of hot air (hair dryer). It is useful when using the dryer to start drying the hair from the back, gradually rising up and to the temples. Never modes White hair dryer too wet hair, from this they stretch and de General shall be transmitted lifeless.
Having grown up healthy hair is usually strong and resilient. Hair can be stretched to 1 / 5 of its length and then he will return to his state tion. On the strength of the hair compared to aluminum and are able to reap PRGRAM load from 100 to 200 grams.
From the frequent use of heated hair rollers tips of hair splitting can lyatsya. In this case, will the systematic cutting tips of hair and firming gel Tonic.
To avoid exposing your hair after the additional loads chi nomic irons, hair dryer did not dry them in a week. This time is sufficient that the hair used to its new form. After seven days, you can use the assistance of a hairdryer, choosing a low level of heating.
For damaged hair is useful to fortnightly feeder WIDE masks - applications. Apply to clean damp hair, a small amount of hair balsams and head wrap a hot towel for 20-30 minutes, then rinse hair thoroughly with warm water.
Very useful to use as masks, gel Tonic. Apply on the scalp 20-30 grams of funds and rub it into the roots of hair. It is desirable to make a gentle massage of the head with his hands or a brush. Five minutes later, rinse the gel shampoo.
If a continuous dyeing or bleaching, lengthy tion in the sun hair thinned, broken and fallen away, it is fixable. Carefully trim the ends of hair. Every day, rub in your scalp oily balsam for eyelashes (one teaspoon), HYDRATED mixed with two teaspoons of lemon juice.
Hair grow an average of 0.35 mm per day. This growth neravnome Rehn. Hair grows faster in summer than in winter. At night, faster than the daytime. In women faster than men. If they are not cut, then, as a rule, they will grow more than 60-90 cm reached its critical length, the hair on the ends begin to lose elasticity, a protective layer loses one geneity, the rod cracks, which leads to brittle hair. For every person the maximum contract length may be very different in The various periods of life and depends on the individual characteristics and even hormonal stages of development.
Hair creates melanin - the pigment contained in the form of grains inside the hair. Color depends on the density, quantity and composition of the grains of melanin. With age, or under the influence of stress on the molecule Melanie takes shape, capable washed. These changes - almost always a sign of illness or aging. Sign of health and peace of mind at all times, have always been silky, good ear zhennye, shiny hair.
In developed countries from 15 to 70% of the adult population, especially men, suffering from dandruff. Over 50% of all cases of its occurrence are the manifestation of disease such as seborrhea. Seborrhea same (dry or oily) occurs frequently in the case of hormonal changes in the body, in which there is a violation of lipid synthesis in the skin and hair.
Increased formation of dandruff, sometimes accompanied by itching in the roots of the hair may be a natural reaction of the organism in stained tion and bleaching of hair, a certain type of varnish, laying gel or shampoo. The skin of the scalp gets used to a certain degree of influence of chemically active agents, and if you start to use a shampoo with a mild surfactant, it is still 1-2 weeks will continue to work as usual, presenting your dandruff.
Many people think that baby shampoos are suitable for adults. This is not so. The older the person, the greater the care required of his hair.
If you use the tools of hairs in too large quantities and wrong, then after the application of some of them, hair fade. In dealing with foam, first pogrom in her hands for a few seconds. Put on the hair: very little and only at the roots. This will put the hair without weighing them. Finish laying a hair dryer with an average temperature of air.
Being under the influence of aggressive factors - sun, wind, hot or cold air, the friction of clothes - hair scales begin to fall behind, and the hair seemed to separate. Long, more than 25 centimeters, the hair just grow old and wear out. The most easy and effective solution to the problem - they trim. Sometimes the hair are dissected from the roots, it is not easy to detect with the naked eye. It requires special equipment and professional assistance.
Contamination of the environment strongly affects the hair. Carbon monoxide, all sorts of smoke, radiation, evaporation can not contribute to their health. Deteriorating not only volosyano first cover, but also the scalp. The only solution - is causing the ad cial preparations for the care. Another important factor is personal hygiene: if you work out in a room with air conditioning (which increases the dryness of the hair) and is surrounded by smokers, it is desirable to wash the hair daily soft sham punem not leave home without a protective "screen" on the hair.
Must always remember that the appearance and structure of the hair depends on many factors. Dermatitis, stress, infectious diseases Niya, physiological alteration of an organism associated with sexually matured vaniem, pregnancy, menopause, Xia reflect negatively on the structure of hair. Hair fade, become brittle and start falling. One of the most important conditions for the growth of hair is polnotsen ing food. Very useful for milk products, because They stimulate the formation of B vitamins UT "B" in the digestive tract.
A person grows about 100 thousand hair, blondes have the most - up to 140 thousand less than the total at Brown - to 90 thousand. His hair grows at a speed of 0,3-0,4 mm per day. The growth rate depends on age. It should be borne in mind that hair loss by changing of the seasons naturally. Humble and the fact that with age the hair becomes less.
The slow growth of hair spoke mainly about the weakness of the nervous system threads; hair loss - of hyperthyroidism; splitting hairs tion occurs from prolonged malnutrition, brittle hair - an indicator of intestinal dysfunction.
When the hair begins to grow, they seem to be tougher, since they are short and equal length, hence the view that frequent Swift spacecraft makes hair thicker. In fact, the frequency of haircut does not affect em on hair density: the number of hair every person is programmed at the genetic level.
Sedin - this is not a tragedy. Gray hair can only be time Dowa. The fact that the gray hair - a protective compensatory reaction of the organism. Excessive overloading the human nervous Rea giruet differently: someone they lead to a heart attack, someone to gastric ulcers, and someone there is only gray - the most innocuous reaction of the body and not even, like, the least painless. And if you confused white hair, then you can always paint them.
Often comb hair brush! Bad alternated tion combing the hair (especially long), a comb, then brush, comb again - and so a few times. Ideally, if the comb is made of natural mate rial - horn or wood. Also useful to tousle the hair, fluff their hands. Hair at the same time are required to have the amount of oxygen, which contributes to the breathing of the scalp.
Once a week, always a massage brush to brush your hair: Take a rare comb and gently release it from the hair and dust, then - good rinse under running warm water. Dry on salfet kyo. Once a month, the brush should be disinfected. To do this, sprinkle it with alcohol or cologne, dry in the fresh air. Brush will be in perfect order, and your hair - shiny and beautiful.
Wet hair can be combed only after you have caused hair conditioner or rinse with Sargassum-conditioning effect.
Dry hair is particularly vulnerable to the impact of hot air (hair dryer). It is useful when using the dryer to start drying the hair from the back, gradually rising up and to the temples. Never modes White hair dryer too wet hair, from this they stretch and de General shall be transmitted lifeless.
Having grown up healthy hair is usually strong and resilient. Hair can be stretched to 1 / 5 of its length and then he will return to his state tion. On the strength of the hair compared to aluminum and are able to reap PRGRAM load from 100 to 200 grams.
From the frequent use of heated hair rollers tips of hair splitting can lyatsya. In this case, will the systematic cutting tips of hair and firming gel Tonic.
To avoid exposing your hair after the additional loads chi nomic irons, hair dryer did not dry them in a week. This time is sufficient that the hair used to its new form. After seven days, you can use the assistance of a hairdryer, choosing a low level of heating.
For damaged hair is useful to fortnightly feeder WIDE masks - applications. Apply to clean damp hair, a small amount of hair balsams and head wrap a hot towel for 20-30 minutes, then rinse hair thoroughly with warm water.
Very useful to use as masks, gel Tonic. Apply on the scalp 20-30 grams of funds and rub it into the roots of hair. It is desirable to make a gentle massage of the head with his hands or a brush. Five minutes later, rinse the gel shampoo.
If a continuous dyeing or bleaching, lengthy tion in the sun hair thinned, broken and fallen away, it is fixable. Carefully trim the ends of hair. Every day, rub in your scalp oily balsam for eyelashes (one teaspoon), HYDRATED mixed with two teaspoons of lemon juice.
Hair grow an average of 0.35 mm per day. This growth neravnome Rehn. Hair grows faster in summer than in winter. At night, faster than the daytime. In women faster than men. If they are not cut, then, as a rule, they will grow more than 60-90 cm reached its critical length, the hair on the ends begin to lose elasticity, a protective layer loses one geneity, the rod cracks, which leads to brittle hair. For every person the maximum contract length may be very different in The various periods of life and depends on the individual characteristics and even hormonal stages of development.
Hair creates melanin - the pigment contained in the form of grains inside the hair. Color depends on the density, quantity and composition of the grains of melanin. With age, or under the influence of stress on the molecule Melanie takes shape, capable washed. These changes - almost always a sign of illness or aging. Sign of health and peace of mind at all times, have always been silky, good ear zhennye, shiny hair.
In developed countries from 15 to 70% of the adult population, especially men, suffering from dandruff. Over 50% of all cases of its occurrence are the manifestation of disease such as seborrhea. Seborrhea same (dry or oily) occurs frequently in the case of hormonal changes in the body, in which there is a violation of lipid synthesis in the skin and hair.
Increased formation of dandruff, sometimes accompanied by itching in the roots of the hair may be a natural reaction of the organism in stained tion and bleaching of hair, a certain type of varnish, laying gel or shampoo. The skin of the scalp gets used to a certain degree of influence of chemically active agents, and if you start to use a shampoo with a mild surfactant, it is still 1-2 weeks will continue to work as usual, presenting your dandruff.
Many people think that baby shampoos are suitable for adults. This is not so. The older the person, the greater the care required of his hair.
If you use the tools of hairs in too large quantities and wrong, then after the application of some of them, hair fade. In dealing with foam, first pogrom in her hands for a few seconds. Put on the hair: very little and only at the roots. This will put the hair without weighing them. Finish laying a hair dryer with an average temperature of air.
Being under the influence of aggressive factors - sun, wind, hot or cold air, the friction of clothes - hair scales begin to fall behind, and the hair seemed to separate. Long, more than 25 centimeters, the hair just grow old and wear out. The most easy and effective solution to the problem - they trim. Sometimes the hair are dissected from the roots, it is not easy to detect with the naked eye. It requires special equipment and professional assistance.
Contamination of the environment strongly affects the hair. Carbon monoxide, all sorts of smoke, radiation, evaporation can not contribute to their health. Deteriorating not only volosyano first cover, but also the scalp. The only solution - is causing the ad cial preparations for the care. Another important factor is personal hygiene: if you work out in a room with air conditioning (which increases the dryness of the hair) and is surrounded by smokers, it is desirable to wash the hair daily soft sham punem not leave home without a protective "screen" on the hair.
Must always remember that the appearance and structure of the hair depends on many factors. Dermatitis, stress, infectious diseases Niya, physiological alteration of an organism associated with sexually matured vaniem, pregnancy, menopause, Xia reflect negatively on the structure of hair. Hair fade, become brittle and start falling. One of the most important conditions for the growth of hair is polnotsen ing food. Very useful for milk products, because They stimulate the formation of B vitamins UT "B" in the digestive tract.
A person grows about 100 thousand hair, blondes have the most - up to 140 thousand less than the total at Brown - to 90 thousand. His hair grows at a speed of 0,3-0,4 mm per day. The growth rate depends on age. It should be borne in mind that hair loss by changing of the seasons naturally. Humble and the fact that with age the hair becomes less.
The slow growth of hair spoke mainly about the weakness of the nervous system threads; hair loss - of hyperthyroidism; splitting hairs tion occurs from prolonged malnutrition, brittle hair - an indicator of intestinal dysfunction.
When the hair begins to grow, they seem to be tougher, since they are short and equal length, hence the view that frequent Swift spacecraft makes hair thicker. In fact, the frequency of haircut does not affect em on hair density: the number of hair every person is programmed at the genetic level.
Sedin - this is not a tragedy. Gray hair can only be time Dowa. The fact that the gray hair - a protective compensatory reaction of the organism. Excessive overloading the human nervous Rea giruet differently: someone they lead to a heart attack, someone to gastric ulcers, and someone there is only gray - the most innocuous reaction of the body and not even, like, the least painless. And if you confused white hair, then you can always paint them.
Often comb hair brush! Bad alternated tion combing the hair (especially long), a comb, then brush, comb again - and so a few times. Ideally, if the comb is made of natural mate rial - horn or wood. Also useful to tousle the hair, fluff their hands. Hair at the same time are required to have the amount of oxygen, which contributes to the breathing of the scalp.
Once a week, always a massage brush to brush your hair: Take a rare comb and gently release it from the hair and dust, then - good rinse under running warm water. Dry on salfet kyo. Once a month, the brush should be disinfected. To do this, sprinkle it with alcohol or cologne, dry in the fresh air. Brush will be in perfect order, and your hair - shiny and beautiful.
Do you have depression? What to do if you have one!
Anguish, depression, anxiety, joyless, indifference, hopelessness, if you are experiencing one of these feelings - art for you - we will go about depression.
Such a mental disorder like depression, has some features, such as: depression often develop in the female population, they become the skate community. Depressive disorder in our days are so common that in France in patients with mild depression do not issue medical certificates. Increasingly described disorder tends to spread, to become the norm of civilized society. It should be noted that approximately a third of depressive disorders should be fashionable. Some young women suffer from depression the same way as have the desire to visit the shops of fashionable clothes.
Generally, in medicine depression made by the troika to recognize the symptoms.
The first thing you should pay attention, because it is to reduce the overall mood, which takes a pessimistic setting to life. The range of mood disorders ranging from mild sadness to a physical sensation of "stone heart".
The second symptom of depression - reduction of motor activity. The man in this state becomes slow. He himself is a state perceives as weakness, lethargy, fatigue.
The third symptom, completing the triad - a slowing of thinking. For some, it may be confusing, and you ask: "What does this mean?" My answer, for experts in the field of psychiatry indicator tempo of your thinking - it, as well as responses to questions addressed to you. The man, who suffers from depression, says a slower and quieter than usual, he did not notice, but there are always around, which would point to it. Subjectively, the slowing of thinking, you can assess how forgetfulness, the violation of focus.
Classical trio signs, of course, may often occur in the life of any person. Moreover, in a bad mood you can visit several times a day, accompanied by a loss, or a mourning event in life. Therefore, the depression made to attribute the state of up to two, three or more months.
To understand, develop whether you are depressed, the above symptoms may not always be enough, so it cause a number of typical signs of depression:
Depressive state can be determined from the decrease in sexual desire, and increase feelings of guilt. Another characteristic feature is the dryness of mucous membranes, skin, reducing its turgor. Depressive dryness extends even to the lacrimal gland.
Separately, it is worth noting brittle hair and nails. If you're a girl, and you have similar problems (it is the topic of a separate article), most such violations are not associated with developing a depressive condition, but with the loss of blood during the menstrual cycle and associated blood loss iron deficiency anemia.
For depression tend decreased appetite and weight loss.
Importantly sleep disorder that occurs with depression. Sleep in depression is short in duration, accompanied by early awakening, a man gets up at four or five o'clock in the morning after sleep away feeling relax.
It sometimes happens that, at first glance, no signs of illness, there is no classic symptoms described above, but a detailed examination of a specially-designed clinical and psychological methods to reveal hidden forms of the disease. This depression of doctors called the hidden or masked. The human psyche is arranged so that the first time more formidable offenses as apathy or sleep disturbance may be expressed in normal irritability and constant feeling of anxiety.
Causes of depression variety, and the mechanisms are complex and relate to arise in the nervous system deficits substances. For example, the lack of norepinephrine, makes people tired, stalled, unable to concentrate on certain activities. Reduction of serotonin leads to irritability, and sometimes even aggression. State with a shortage of the two above-described substances can be described as severe depression, loss of vital interests, persistent insomnia. All this - ominous signs of the depressive disorder.
What to do?
If you find yourself in most of these symptoms, there is a high probability that you have developed the disease. To start, you must delete the existing relationship of symptoms with alcohol, drugs and narcotics, the presence of endocrine disorders and injuries of the central nervous system. Next, you are required to learn that in nature there is no ready-made substances that are able to recharge originating in the nervous system deficit. Traditional medicine or self-medication will not help you get out of developing depression. People who have doubts about his mental health should seek qualified medical help.
Treatment of depression in the world comes down to the individual selection of antidepressant drug action. The process of selection is complicated by the fact that modern antidepressants are decent, and the therapeutic effect begins to develop in the second week of admission or, in general, in a month. A qualified specialist can save you money and time. Given the nature of the disease, the doctor will offer exactly the antidepressant, which is best for you. Hallmark of effective treatment is to reduce symptoms of depression harassing you, normalization of mood and growing optimism.
It is worth saying a few words about the treatment of depressive disorders with psychotherapy, yes, the method an excellent complement to medical treatment, but does not replace it. Psychotherapy allows you to quickly recover its lost optimism, to restore self-esteem, depressive oppressed people. Treatment of depression only psychotherapeutic methods, like walking community, not the lighter, somewhere more, and then - again all over again.
Such a mental disorder like depression, has some features, such as: depression often develop in the female population, they become the skate community. Depressive disorder in our days are so common that in France in patients with mild depression do not issue medical certificates. Increasingly described disorder tends to spread, to become the norm of civilized society. It should be noted that approximately a third of depressive disorders should be fashionable. Some young women suffer from depression the same way as have the desire to visit the shops of fashionable clothes.
Generally, in medicine depression made by the troika to recognize the symptoms.
The first thing you should pay attention, because it is to reduce the overall mood, which takes a pessimistic setting to life. The range of mood disorders ranging from mild sadness to a physical sensation of "stone heart".
The second symptom of depression - reduction of motor activity. The man in this state becomes slow. He himself is a state perceives as weakness, lethargy, fatigue.
The third symptom, completing the triad - a slowing of thinking. For some, it may be confusing, and you ask: "What does this mean?" My answer, for experts in the field of psychiatry indicator tempo of your thinking - it, as well as responses to questions addressed to you. The man, who suffers from depression, says a slower and quieter than usual, he did not notice, but there are always around, which would point to it. Subjectively, the slowing of thinking, you can assess how forgetfulness, the violation of focus.
Classical trio signs, of course, may often occur in the life of any person. Moreover, in a bad mood you can visit several times a day, accompanied by a loss, or a mourning event in life. Therefore, the depression made to attribute the state of up to two, three or more months.
To understand, develop whether you are depressed, the above symptoms may not always be enough, so it cause a number of typical signs of depression:
Depressive state can be determined from the decrease in sexual desire, and increase feelings of guilt. Another characteristic feature is the dryness of mucous membranes, skin, reducing its turgor. Depressive dryness extends even to the lacrimal gland.
Separately, it is worth noting brittle hair and nails. If you're a girl, and you have similar problems (it is the topic of a separate article), most such violations are not associated with developing a depressive condition, but with the loss of blood during the menstrual cycle and associated blood loss iron deficiency anemia.
For depression tend decreased appetite and weight loss.
Importantly sleep disorder that occurs with depression. Sleep in depression is short in duration, accompanied by early awakening, a man gets up at four or five o'clock in the morning after sleep away feeling relax.
It sometimes happens that, at first glance, no signs of illness, there is no classic symptoms described above, but a detailed examination of a specially-designed clinical and psychological methods to reveal hidden forms of the disease. This depression of doctors called the hidden or masked. The human psyche is arranged so that the first time more formidable offenses as apathy or sleep disturbance may be expressed in normal irritability and constant feeling of anxiety.
Causes of depression variety, and the mechanisms are complex and relate to arise in the nervous system deficits substances. For example, the lack of norepinephrine, makes people tired, stalled, unable to concentrate on certain activities. Reduction of serotonin leads to irritability, and sometimes even aggression. State with a shortage of the two above-described substances can be described as severe depression, loss of vital interests, persistent insomnia. All this - ominous signs of the depressive disorder.
What to do?
If you find yourself in most of these symptoms, there is a high probability that you have developed the disease. To start, you must delete the existing relationship of symptoms with alcohol, drugs and narcotics, the presence of endocrine disorders and injuries of the central nervous system. Next, you are required to learn that in nature there is no ready-made substances that are able to recharge originating in the nervous system deficit. Traditional medicine or self-medication will not help you get out of developing depression. People who have doubts about his mental health should seek qualified medical help.
Treatment of depression in the world comes down to the individual selection of antidepressant drug action. The process of selection is complicated by the fact that modern antidepressants are decent, and the therapeutic effect begins to develop in the second week of admission or, in general, in a month. A qualified specialist can save you money and time. Given the nature of the disease, the doctor will offer exactly the antidepressant, which is best for you. Hallmark of effective treatment is to reduce symptoms of depression harassing you, normalization of mood and growing optimism.
It is worth saying a few words about the treatment of depressive disorders with psychotherapy, yes, the method an excellent complement to medical treatment, but does not replace it. Psychotherapy allows you to quickly recover its lost optimism, to restore self-esteem, depressive oppressed people. Treatment of depression only psychotherapeutic methods, like walking community, not the lighter, somewhere more, and then - again all over again.
Treatment of varicose veins laser - Endovazalnaya laser coagulation (EVLK)
Unique non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, no pain, no scars, no bruises!
"Treatment of varicose veins without surgery and without scars" - a standard leaflet leading European and American hospitals for the treatment of varicose legs.
Development endovazalnoy laser coagulation (EVLK) has revolutionized the surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.
After 40 minutes of finding the operating ex-patient varicose disease arises from the operating table healthy man!
Endovazalnaya laser coagulation (EVLK) becomes the procedure of choice (the main type of surgical treatment) in the treatment of varicose disease abroad.
Treatment of varicose veins laser - an operation without a single incision, puncture performed under ultrasound, using local anesthesia.
The technique is to laser radiation on the venous wall. Vienna dotted needle in the popliteal region, the thigh is held laser fiber, then, is going on? Burning 'veins using laser radiation. This spazmiruetsya Vienna and its lumen closed. After a certain time coagulated Vienna germination connective tissue and dissolves.
Local anesthesia - an ideal opportunity for those who are afraid of injections in the back (epidural anesthesia) or general anesthesia (endotracheal anesthesia).
When operations uses unique technology for monitoring the safety of laser radiation.
Major scientific studies suggest that after EVLK observed the lowest percentage of complications compared with other surgical methods of treatment of varicose veins of legs.
Given the small traumatic the treatment of varicose veins, any recovery from such operations is not required. Already one hour after the operation, you will be able to leave the clinic, and it is - a normal practice.
Advantages of the method
- Operation without cuts.
- After the operation, minimal discomfort feeling no pain.
- No bruises, no bruising.
- The ideal operation in cosmetic terms.
- Minimum number of diagnosed postoperative complications.
Disadvantages of the method
- In case of large diameter, large subcutaneous vein surgery without incisions is not possible.
- Operation cost-efficient for the patient.
What kind of laser coagulation is shown in each case, may be determined only after a thorough ultrasound examination of the veins of legs.
If according to ultrasound veins EVLK do not (large diameter of the large superficial vein), then apply flebektomii technique combined with laser coagulation (operation with a single cut).
Combined flebektomiya with laser coagulation (operation with a single cut)
Once the data is color duplex scanning show inability to perform puncture technique (the diameter of the vein is too broad), you will be offered an operation with elements of classical flebektomii.
The operation is performed under epidural anesthesia. This forces a small incision in the groin (1.5 cm) of which will be ligated primary Vienna, which makes prevention of recurrence in the future.
Through the same incision will be introduced laser fiber into the vein and produced laser coagulation. If necessary, a large subcutaneous vein tributaries or small superficial vein will be removed from the micro-puncture technique for miniflebektomii or will be made sclerotherapy, ie the whole operation is limited to a single incision in the groin area.
Advantages of the combined method
- A smaller percentage of recurrence in the future
- Operation less traumatic than the classic flebektomiey
- High cosmetic results
Disadvantages of the combined method
- It is necessary to carry out sections
- Needed epidural anesthesia
"Treatment of varicose veins without surgery and without scars" - a standard leaflet leading European and American hospitals for the treatment of varicose legs.
Development endovazalnoy laser coagulation (EVLK) has revolutionized the surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.
After 40 minutes of finding the operating ex-patient varicose disease arises from the operating table healthy man!
Endovazalnaya laser coagulation (EVLK) becomes the procedure of choice (the main type of surgical treatment) in the treatment of varicose disease abroad.
Treatment of varicose veins laser - an operation without a single incision, puncture performed under ultrasound, using local anesthesia.
The technique is to laser radiation on the venous wall. Vienna dotted needle in the popliteal region, the thigh is held laser fiber, then, is going on? Burning 'veins using laser radiation. This spazmiruetsya Vienna and its lumen closed. After a certain time coagulated Vienna germination connective tissue and dissolves.
Local anesthesia - an ideal opportunity for those who are afraid of injections in the back (epidural anesthesia) or general anesthesia (endotracheal anesthesia).
When operations uses unique technology for monitoring the safety of laser radiation.
Major scientific studies suggest that after EVLK observed the lowest percentage of complications compared with other surgical methods of treatment of varicose veins of legs.
Given the small traumatic the treatment of varicose veins, any recovery from such operations is not required. Already one hour after the operation, you will be able to leave the clinic, and it is - a normal practice.
Advantages of the method
- Operation without cuts.
- After the operation, minimal discomfort feeling no pain.
- No bruises, no bruising.
- The ideal operation in cosmetic terms.
- Minimum number of diagnosed postoperative complications.
Disadvantages of the method
- In case of large diameter, large subcutaneous vein surgery without incisions is not possible.
- Operation cost-efficient for the patient.
What kind of laser coagulation is shown in each case, may be determined only after a thorough ultrasound examination of the veins of legs.
If according to ultrasound veins EVLK do not (large diameter of the large superficial vein), then apply flebektomii technique combined with laser coagulation (operation with a single cut).
Combined flebektomiya with laser coagulation (operation with a single cut)
Once the data is color duplex scanning show inability to perform puncture technique (the diameter of the vein is too broad), you will be offered an operation with elements of classical flebektomii.
The operation is performed under epidural anesthesia. This forces a small incision in the groin (1.5 cm) of which will be ligated primary Vienna, which makes prevention of recurrence in the future.
Through the same incision will be introduced laser fiber into the vein and produced laser coagulation. If necessary, a large subcutaneous vein tributaries or small superficial vein will be removed from the micro-puncture technique for miniflebektomii or will be made sclerotherapy, ie the whole operation is limited to a single incision in the groin area.
Advantages of the combined method
- A smaller percentage of recurrence in the future
- Operation less traumatic than the classic flebektomiey
- High cosmetic results
Disadvantages of the combined method
- It is necessary to carry out sections
- Needed epidural anesthesia
Lithotherapy: a great way to treat depression
In life, in principle, anything you want inhabitant of the earth had happened, that he immediately felt unwell, tired or depressing state of mind. Well, when does bad happened, in fact he was heading to the doctors, in fact where he actually wrote out all sorts of pills or banal offered to sleep. Usually, this is, in general, almost never worked. Real explanation of powerlessness doctors quite simple, should not treat the result as a cause. But if such symptoms or signs of the cause, most likely the rest of the sole, or rather the lack of cosmic energy, which fills almost every inhabitant of the earth, providing him the opportunity to feel good as well and efficiently perform their duties. Often, when a distressed man himself directly without realizing it, does not absorb this necessary for healthy living, space power. In these variants without due care pros, he is personally not one hundred percent wiggle. Whatever it was such a consultant will begin with a definition of areas of the aura, which is most definitely definitely in need of rehabilitation. Specifically, it is not damaged aura may well protect everyone from all sorts of negative aspects, which in turn negatively impact on its physiological and besides this, and morale. After determining the sites of the aura, the consultant will clearly identify the reasons because of which actually hit the aura of a man. At the final stage produces a specific list of measures aimed at strengthening the aura, the removal of harmful factors and hence for maintaining their aura in later life. Not uncommon for positive impact has lithotherapy. Since time immemorial, virtually all people on separate continents used to treat the soul and the body a variety of natural gemstones. Actually this kind of use of precious stones and provides lithotherapy, recently formed a real science. Now, this science has weighty recognition in various states of the world. It is quite precious stones as a means of healing, used in several well-known resorts. But remember that the actual stones, despite their physical nature, an incredibly serious power tool, and not the right application to fully clearly could bring irreparable harm. That is why without skilled care specialist, you should not tempt fate. Such an expert not only will choose the right combination of gems, but at the same time necessarily explain all the nuances of communication with them. And besides this it is worth mentioning that along with lithotherapy directly for the healing of the soul, necessarily need to seek to know their own spiritual essence. This may help in reality absolutely any inhabitant of the planet, the teaching of Kryon. Now, Kryon, as an option to know himself as well and located around the world, are becoming an increasingly prevalent. With the conviction should be allocated, what actually is in practice the only scientist on the planet, which was able to combine several parallel flows religions. Begin to understand the essence of this doctrine is intended Channeler, in reality, the mouth, and the latter tells about himself Kryon. Due to a public network, today there is a real opportunity to get acquainted with the teaching of specialized Internet portals, in fact they are very even possible to get the books.
What is massage mattress?
Massage is a very ancient physiotherapy. It can effectively relieve stress and tension. Massage mattress is a combination of traditional Chinese massage and modern computer technology.
A mattress with a remote control for massaging the whole body with two types of coatings: the first - is suitable for use in the summer, the second - in the winter. Massage mattress allows you to perform full body massage. It can be used with success both at home and at work. Intended to relieve uncomfortable condition associated with prolonged stay behind the wheel of a car, working at the computer, physical exertion. The mattress is also effective for the prevention and treatment of cellulite, improve metabolism and capillary blood supply. Massage mattress will allow you to properly balance work and complete rest, but also provide the best relaxation, restore the ability to work.
Mattress though massage has a general impact, but it is divided into several zones, which allows for a deep massage each zone separately. Private massage zones provide for the cervical spine and shoulders, back and waist, thighs and shins.
Massage is controlled by a microcomputer. With remote control, you can choose the area of massage, massage intensity of exposure and speed change cycles, massage, and massage
Massage mattress is an effective tool for relaxation, as it allows to perform full body massage. Thus, massage mattress can be called tumblers large size, which has an impact both on the whole body at once. To remove the accumulated stress of the day and relax, he is simply irreplaceable, because it enables them to quickly restore power and has a tonic effect on the body.
A mattress with a remote control for massaging the whole body with two types of coatings: the first - is suitable for use in the summer, the second - in the winter. Massage mattress allows you to perform full body massage. It can be used with success both at home and at work. Intended to relieve uncomfortable condition associated with prolonged stay behind the wheel of a car, working at the computer, physical exertion. The mattress is also effective for the prevention and treatment of cellulite, improve metabolism and capillary blood supply. Massage mattress will allow you to properly balance work and complete rest, but also provide the best relaxation, restore the ability to work.
Mattress though massage has a general impact, but it is divided into several zones, which allows for a deep massage each zone separately. Private massage zones provide for the cervical spine and shoulders, back and waist, thighs and shins.
Massage is controlled by a microcomputer. With remote control, you can choose the area of massage, massage intensity of exposure and speed change cycles, massage, and massage
Massage mattress is an effective tool for relaxation, as it allows to perform full body massage. Thus, massage mattress can be called tumblers large size, which has an impact both on the whole body at once. To remove the accumulated stress of the day and relax, he is simply irreplaceable, because it enables them to quickly restore power and has a tonic effect on the body.
A healthy body starts with healthy teeth
Nothing adorns a man so deeply as the snow-white, luminous smile on her face. Beautiful and strong teeth - this spring, not only prigozhesti, but also an indicator of a healthy organism. On how carefully we monitor their teeth and gums, may affect integrity of many internal organs: heart, kidneys, and joints.
Wrong caring for your mouth and teeth can become the basis of infectious diseases, which in turn will lead to the maturation of other diseases, such as tonsillitis and sinusitis.
German scientists found that the bulk of germs enters into our body in exactly broken through the gums. In particular, they found that people with diabetes mellitus, have a chronic tendency to gum disease.
We rarely think about, why there is such a destructive process for our body, and how of the oral cavity depends on the state of our internal organs. Answers to these and many other questions lie on the surface.
Our oral cavity is a link with the digestive tract and then imagine how the food gets to us inside the body, if our mouth is a hotbed of pathogenic microorganisms.
Endocrine system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract - the state of these systems in the human body depends on the purity and well-kept teeth, gums and mouth. In addition, the wrong dental care can lead to a decrease in immunity, shortage of vitamins and trace elements in the human body.
To protect our body from the negative impacts need to carefully look after their teeth and oral cavity. Nevertheless, as pointed out surveys, standard tooth brushing twice a day, is not enough.
If you want to ensure the full protection of their teeth from the damaging effects of caries should use a set of additional measures. It should be a day to consume about 1 g of calcium - for a healthy person. In women, pregnant women and children daily dose of calcium should be around 1,2 - 2 years of calcium.
For the prevention of oral cavity should be used with special solutions that have a tonic and disinfectant action, and also prevent the formation of caries. In addition, you should regularly visit the dentist, to advance to surround the teeth and the body of unwanted consequences.
Fulfilling all the above said requirements, you can protect not only their teeth, but the whole body as a whole. Remember that a healthy body starts with healthy teeth! Be healthy.
Wrong caring for your mouth and teeth can become the basis of infectious diseases, which in turn will lead to the maturation of other diseases, such as tonsillitis and sinusitis.
German scientists found that the bulk of germs enters into our body in exactly broken through the gums. In particular, they found that people with diabetes mellitus, have a chronic tendency to gum disease.
We rarely think about, why there is such a destructive process for our body, and how of the oral cavity depends on the state of our internal organs. Answers to these and many other questions lie on the surface.
Our oral cavity is a link with the digestive tract and then imagine how the food gets to us inside the body, if our mouth is a hotbed of pathogenic microorganisms.
Endocrine system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract - the state of these systems in the human body depends on the purity and well-kept teeth, gums and mouth. In addition, the wrong dental care can lead to a decrease in immunity, shortage of vitamins and trace elements in the human body.
To protect our body from the negative impacts need to carefully look after their teeth and oral cavity. Nevertheless, as pointed out surveys, standard tooth brushing twice a day, is not enough.
If you want to ensure the full protection of their teeth from the damaging effects of caries should use a set of additional measures. It should be a day to consume about 1 g of calcium - for a healthy person. In women, pregnant women and children daily dose of calcium should be around 1,2 - 2 years of calcium.
For the prevention of oral cavity should be used with special solutions that have a tonic and disinfectant action, and also prevent the formation of caries. In addition, you should regularly visit the dentist, to advance to surround the teeth and the body of unwanted consequences.
Fulfilling all the above said requirements, you can protect not only their teeth, but the whole body as a whole. Remember that a healthy body starts with healthy teeth! Be healthy.
Global deception doctors discovered, you can cure all diseases at once, the guarantee.
Health portal (address in the footnote) has a purpose - to give understanding to people about how the body is designed as a natural way to treat it, what methods to use and what should not do it. First what you should not do - to trust doctors.
All the people on the planet at least once in his life turned to doctors (doctors and doctors of different specialties: general practitioner, urologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, etc.), and most regrettably, many are not satisfied both by the treatment and its result , then there is the question: "what's the deal here?", "why, since I took the money, they said - well, I still get sick?", "Why is not the result of health and bind to drugs?", "Why treatment is not effective? ". The answer to all questions one - MONEY! All medical structure built on the benefits and the collection of material resources, and purpose for a long time is not helping people, and as a result - a profit, but on the contrary, the ultimate goal - a huge profit, and as a consequence of (something like a side effect) the temporary assistance to the client, the patient.
We will understand why doctors unprofitable to treat people. Imagine you are a co-owner, the most important medical corporations for the production of medicines and medical devices, your main task (formal) - to make sure that people can quickly cure any disease, but also you realize that helping people is a good thing, but you should at this and to earn, not just because you're investing efforts, so you place a price on the products.
Let's say you made a drug which cures 10 diseases, for 2 weeks, with daily intake of 1.2 tablets. For certain reasons, you do not have the right to assign value to such products a few thousand rubles, it's just one package of tablets (of 10-20 pieces). Also, for this price you buy this product, the minimum number of people. So think, people thought: What if we need to reduce the cost of medicine and help people while making money, just need to specify all medications, and to refrain from adjuvant therapy, so we can get from one medication (to treat 10 diseases cost, say, 3 tr) for 10 unique drugs directed action (who treat the disease and 1 are about 300 rubles). Due to low prices, the total volume sold drugs, will be several dozen times more, think now about the difference in profits?
Profit, money, material goods - rose to the fore among manufacturers of medical products, and in fact on their investments built the whole market today. Analyzing this, by itself can only conclude that treat people benefit, but that people fully cured and become healthy there. Consider, if you buy drugs, which are for 1 year will make you completely healthy, you will go again to the hospital? You will buy you do not need pills? Would you recommend to friends ineffective drugs? OF COURSE NOT! Thus if the majority of the population will be healthier, you will suffer greatly from this whole business, built on the medicine.
To generate an approximate sense of how big business built on people's health, shows the figures are official figures, although the publication of which was not subject to public, for the year 2008, the income of health facilities was more than 50 billion cu (dollars), only the provision of services related to diseases of the eye, that is, 50 billion cu only operations on the organs of vision, vitamin sales, and advisory services. And this is the official data. Think how much your body organs, multiply their numbers on this figure, you get the official minimum income.
Do you think if they really treated people and that was their goal, the income was so great? No, the point is, everyone is much more profitable to sell you pills, from which more harm than good to you to come again and again, and gave medical institutions all their money. That's so sad - but realistic picture of prevailing in our society. It's time for good news.
If you do not want to spend more to empty their funds, to be deceived by doctors to be healthy and strong, do not spend a lot of money to be convinced that you are doing everything right, get permanent free expert advice and learn how, exactly, case is to treat your body, then you need to go to this page. Treat your body needs only a natural way.
Remember: the best treatment - is prevention.
All the people on the planet at least once in his life turned to doctors (doctors and doctors of different specialties: general practitioner, urologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, etc.), and most regrettably, many are not satisfied both by the treatment and its result , then there is the question: "what's the deal here?", "why, since I took the money, they said - well, I still get sick?", "Why is not the result of health and bind to drugs?", "Why treatment is not effective? ". The answer to all questions one - MONEY! All medical structure built on the benefits and the collection of material resources, and purpose for a long time is not helping people, and as a result - a profit, but on the contrary, the ultimate goal - a huge profit, and as a consequence of (something like a side effect) the temporary assistance to the client, the patient.
We will understand why doctors unprofitable to treat people. Imagine you are a co-owner, the most important medical corporations for the production of medicines and medical devices, your main task (formal) - to make sure that people can quickly cure any disease, but also you realize that helping people is a good thing, but you should at this and to earn, not just because you're investing efforts, so you place a price on the products.
Let's say you made a drug which cures 10 diseases, for 2 weeks, with daily intake of 1.2 tablets. For certain reasons, you do not have the right to assign value to such products a few thousand rubles, it's just one package of tablets (of 10-20 pieces). Also, for this price you buy this product, the minimum number of people. So think, people thought: What if we need to reduce the cost of medicine and help people while making money, just need to specify all medications, and to refrain from adjuvant therapy, so we can get from one medication (to treat 10 diseases cost, say, 3 tr) for 10 unique drugs directed action (who treat the disease and 1 are about 300 rubles). Due to low prices, the total volume sold drugs, will be several dozen times more, think now about the difference in profits?
Profit, money, material goods - rose to the fore among manufacturers of medical products, and in fact on their investments built the whole market today. Analyzing this, by itself can only conclude that treat people benefit, but that people fully cured and become healthy there. Consider, if you buy drugs, which are for 1 year will make you completely healthy, you will go again to the hospital? You will buy you do not need pills? Would you recommend to friends ineffective drugs? OF COURSE NOT! Thus if the majority of the population will be healthier, you will suffer greatly from this whole business, built on the medicine.
To generate an approximate sense of how big business built on people's health, shows the figures are official figures, although the publication of which was not subject to public, for the year 2008, the income of health facilities was more than 50 billion cu (dollars), only the provision of services related to diseases of the eye, that is, 50 billion cu only operations on the organs of vision, vitamin sales, and advisory services. And this is the official data. Think how much your body organs, multiply their numbers on this figure, you get the official minimum income.
Do you think if they really treated people and that was their goal, the income was so great? No, the point is, everyone is much more profitable to sell you pills, from which more harm than good to you to come again and again, and gave medical institutions all their money. That's so sad - but realistic picture of prevailing in our society. It's time for good news.
If you do not want to spend more to empty their funds, to be deceived by doctors to be healthy and strong, do not spend a lot of money to be convinced that you are doing everything right, get permanent free expert advice and learn how, exactly, case is to treat your body, then you need to go to this page. Treat your body needs only a natural way.
Remember: the best treatment - is prevention.
Infertility: the fate or illness?
The diagnosis of "infertile" - a shock for the couple. And then there are no strong differences for women and men. Regardless of gender, we see a happy family life, in which there is little tot ...
First: diagnosed with infertility "
He, she, as the middle child. He brings it and shared the same parents, complicates their lives and, at the same time, makes it valuable.
Suddenly uncle in a white coat says: "You could not get pregnant within a year, not unprotected (this term is now enough to make a diagnosis) - you infertile ..." Shock. In my head there is a lot of questions: "Why?" "How so?" And "What to do now?"
In the first two no one can answer. At last give so many answers that fit panic. But we should not panic.
Second: what to do?
If you wish to have a child is strong enough, then, certainly, to do something to, for example, to calm down, talk with your lover and decide which way you go. And the road is really not so much. You can find a suitable clinic, to conduct a survey, spend a lot of money and time, and really, really try to get pregnant.
The Dangers?
This way is fine if you're both willing to make sacrifices. If you have enough trust the doctors and agree to be treated for all that in any way affect the absence of pregnancy. If you are immune to the obsessive desires (for example, have a child no matter what) that any good usually does not lead, and if your alliance survive the news of the perpetrator of infertility.
If you are not ready to make love as work to reproduce their own kind, and every month in the hope that the "red calendar days" will not. If you do not like to notice in a more "pregnant" changes, despite the absence of pregnancy itself, it is better to do sports, tempered and really, really try to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
The Dangers?
Can you not be able to conceive a child, but it distracted from the problem itself. Remember, recently diagnosed with infertility placed after at least three years of sexual activity without contraception. And for two years (or 3, 4, 5 years), which in a stock that can happen anywhere.
Third: Public Opinion
I have a friend of the couple, who can not conceive a child is five years. All people know about it or guess, and still every time when going to the company, someone just ask: "Do not plan on children?"
Aunts and uncles as their immediate duty to intervene in this aspect of family relations. This missing. In that case, maybe it makes sense to announce to all that have a child in the next 10 years, you do not intend to. Can explain the reason (real or contrived), but not necessarily. In the end it's your own business.
First: diagnosed with infertility "
He, she, as the middle child. He brings it and shared the same parents, complicates their lives and, at the same time, makes it valuable.
Suddenly uncle in a white coat says: "You could not get pregnant within a year, not unprotected (this term is now enough to make a diagnosis) - you infertile ..." Shock. In my head there is a lot of questions: "Why?" "How so?" And "What to do now?"
In the first two no one can answer. At last give so many answers that fit panic. But we should not panic.
Second: what to do?
If you wish to have a child is strong enough, then, certainly, to do something to, for example, to calm down, talk with your lover and decide which way you go. And the road is really not so much. You can find a suitable clinic, to conduct a survey, spend a lot of money and time, and really, really try to get pregnant.
The Dangers?
This way is fine if you're both willing to make sacrifices. If you have enough trust the doctors and agree to be treated for all that in any way affect the absence of pregnancy. If you are immune to the obsessive desires (for example, have a child no matter what) that any good usually does not lead, and if your alliance survive the news of the perpetrator of infertility.
If you are not ready to make love as work to reproduce their own kind, and every month in the hope that the "red calendar days" will not. If you do not like to notice in a more "pregnant" changes, despite the absence of pregnancy itself, it is better to do sports, tempered and really, really try to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
The Dangers?
Can you not be able to conceive a child, but it distracted from the problem itself. Remember, recently diagnosed with infertility placed after at least three years of sexual activity without contraception. And for two years (or 3, 4, 5 years), which in a stock that can happen anywhere.
Third: Public Opinion
I have a friend of the couple, who can not conceive a child is five years. All people know about it or guess, and still every time when going to the company, someone just ask: "Do not plan on children?"
Aunts and uncles as their immediate duty to intervene in this aspect of family relations. This missing. In that case, maybe it makes sense to announce to all that have a child in the next 10 years, you do not intend to. Can explain the reason (real or contrived), but not necessarily. In the end it's your own business.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dental Implants and professional prevention of oral diseases
Life rhythm of modern man is so accelerated, that sometimes just too busy to ask your dentist about the state of our teeth. Our way of life contributing to the appearance of such dental diseases as periodontitis and periodontitis. Good dental clinic has all the potential for healing of these diseases.
Caries appears due to poor hygiene and refined foods. В ситуации интенсивного поражения кариесом, когда пломбирование зубов уже не может восстановить повреждение, стоматологи используют микропротезирование зубов. Typically, dental treatment in this manner is applied to the chewing groups. Tabs at microprosthetics can be made as a ceramic, and alloys of precious metals.
Untreated tooth decay in time could turn into a pulp. The first signs of pulpitis teeth are painful reaction to temperature change, pain during nadkusyvanii and increasing toothache. Пульпит бывает острым и хроническим. If the infection penetrates into the tissue overlying the tooth, then there periodontitis. First few weeks of periodontitis takes an average of 6 months.
Treatment of periodontitis and difficult task. The main preventive measure to ward off periodontitis and periodontitis is a professional teeth cleaning. In the process of hygienic cleaning doctor removes as soft plaque, and solid form - tartar. Timely removal of tartar prevents the formation of gum pockets and prevents the development of inflammation.
In orthodontics to correct malocclusion using installation brackets. There are different types of bracket systems: lingual braces, ceramic braces, and smiles. Widely used veneers - a Hollywood smile.
Veneers are usually located on the front teeth. They are produced ceramic veneers with presovaniya and burning.
Prosthetics in orthopedic dentistry performed by installing crown and clasp dentures. To date, widespread crown made of zirconium oxide. From metal-ceramic crowns of their features excellent aesthetics and durability.
Not the last role in aesthetic dentistry is teeth whitening. The most gentle and effective method of teeth whitening is ZOOM. In just a couple of hours your teeth become whiter by several shades. ZOOM whitening decisive advantage in the fact that whiteness remains for many years.
Dental Implants Dental is considered the most promising trend. Based on the statistics of European countries, we can confidently say that the implants are excellent substitute for natural teeth and even surpass them for durability. The implant is installed on the remote location of the tooth and replace it entirely.
Caries appears due to poor hygiene and refined foods. В ситуации интенсивного поражения кариесом, когда пломбирование зубов уже не может восстановить повреждение, стоматологи используют микропротезирование зубов. Typically, dental treatment in this manner is applied to the chewing groups. Tabs at microprosthetics can be made as a ceramic, and alloys of precious metals.
Untreated tooth decay in time could turn into a pulp. The first signs of pulpitis teeth are painful reaction to temperature change, pain during nadkusyvanii and increasing toothache. Пульпит бывает острым и хроническим. If the infection penetrates into the tissue overlying the tooth, then there periodontitis. First few weeks of periodontitis takes an average of 6 months.
Treatment of periodontitis and difficult task. The main preventive measure to ward off periodontitis and periodontitis is a professional teeth cleaning. In the process of hygienic cleaning doctor removes as soft plaque, and solid form - tartar. Timely removal of tartar prevents the formation of gum pockets and prevents the development of inflammation.
In orthodontics to correct malocclusion using installation brackets. There are different types of bracket systems: lingual braces, ceramic braces, and smiles. Widely used veneers - a Hollywood smile.
Veneers are usually located on the front teeth. They are produced ceramic veneers with presovaniya and burning.
Prosthetics in orthopedic dentistry performed by installing crown and clasp dentures. To date, widespread crown made of zirconium oxide. From metal-ceramic crowns of their features excellent aesthetics and durability.
Not the last role in aesthetic dentistry is teeth whitening. The most gentle and effective method of teeth whitening is ZOOM. In just a couple of hours your teeth become whiter by several shades. ZOOM whitening decisive advantage in the fact that whiteness remains for many years.
Dental Implants Dental is considered the most promising trend. Based on the statistics of European countries, we can confidently say that the implants are excellent substitute for natural teeth and even surpass them for durability. The implant is installed on the remote location of the tooth and replace it entirely.
Advanced search engine of used medical equipment
Currently, e-commerce - the most rapidly growing industry. Consumers and businesses have realized: the Internet offers a fast, simple and convenient ways to address, saving time and money. Therefore, the number of people who are professionally involved in second-hand medical equipment, go back to using the Internet for buying and selling equipment, only increases. The Internet offers instant access to the necessary secondhand medical equipment, which find in the usual way would take much longer.
Because the Internet is treated mainly with a view to saving time, it is important that Web sites can quickly and efficiently to give our users the results. - an online market of used medical equipment, where professionals can quickly find what they need. MedWOW offers users a fast, accurate and relevant search results with enhanced and easy-to-use mechanism.
Applied at the latest technology allows you to search a vast catalog of used medical equipment in three different directions.
"Quick Search" allows you to enter free text name of equipment, model or manufacturer, the name or number of parts or components. This search option provides an opportunity to find the equipment, known under various names (eg CT, CAT scanner, scanner, computer tomography, etc.), as well as on different model name or manufacturer (eg due to the acquisition of manufacturer by another company).
If you need more accurate results, users can use the "Advanced Search", indicating a specific medical category, name of equipment manufacturer and model.
Valid on Site Search by category enables you to perform incremental search and view all the equipment listed in a particular category, under a certain name, by the manufacturer or model.
In the search criteria, MedWOW developed innovative options that displays search results with search filters, allowing to quickly find exactly what equipment to users. Filtering search results is for a variety of criteria: by manufacturer, price range, year of production, location and technical requirements (eg maximum number of slices CT scanner).
To facilitate the search, MedWOW divide all second-hand medical equipment to three catalog: one - for entire systems, the second - for spare parts and the third - for the components. If the user is looking, for example, up CT (part), he does not need to spend time reviewing all CT scanners (complete system), not related to the query.
Needless to say, medical institutions, which in response to her request for secondhand medical equipment they want to get fast and accurate results will be pleasantly surprised by the search engine and directory MedWOW. For Sellers also has a search mechanism that works the same way only with a catalog of the required goods. This directory includes all the announcements of potential buyers of intent to purchase specific equipment. Based on information obtained from this catalog, sellers can find out who is looking for buyers of equipment available to them for sale.
In addition to the search engine, MedWOW offers many other innovative tools, designed specifically for those who professionally are engaged in second-hand medical equipment.
Because the Internet is treated mainly with a view to saving time, it is important that Web sites can quickly and efficiently to give our users the results. - an online market of used medical equipment, where professionals can quickly find what they need. MedWOW offers users a fast, accurate and relevant search results with enhanced and easy-to-use mechanism.
Applied at the latest technology allows you to search a vast catalog of used medical equipment in three different directions.
"Quick Search" allows you to enter free text name of equipment, model or manufacturer, the name or number of parts or components. This search option provides an opportunity to find the equipment, known under various names (eg CT, CAT scanner, scanner, computer tomography, etc.), as well as on different model name or manufacturer (eg due to the acquisition of manufacturer by another company).
If you need more accurate results, users can use the "Advanced Search", indicating a specific medical category, name of equipment manufacturer and model.
Valid on Site Search by category enables you to perform incremental search and view all the equipment listed in a particular category, under a certain name, by the manufacturer or model.
In the search criteria, MedWOW developed innovative options that displays search results with search filters, allowing to quickly find exactly what equipment to users. Filtering search results is for a variety of criteria: by manufacturer, price range, year of production, location and technical requirements (eg maximum number of slices CT scanner).
To facilitate the search, MedWOW divide all second-hand medical equipment to three catalog: one - for entire systems, the second - for spare parts and the third - for the components. If the user is looking, for example, up CT (part), he does not need to spend time reviewing all CT scanners (complete system), not related to the query.
Needless to say, medical institutions, which in response to her request for secondhand medical equipment they want to get fast and accurate results will be pleasantly surprised by the search engine and directory MedWOW. For Sellers also has a search mechanism that works the same way only with a catalog of the required goods. This directory includes all the announcements of potential buyers of intent to purchase specific equipment. Based on information obtained from this catalog, sellers can find out who is looking for buyers of equipment available to them for sale.
In addition to the search engine, MedWOW offers many other innovative tools, designed specifically for those who professionally are engaged in second-hand medical equipment.
How to restore the energy in the body?
Crisis burns brain, nerves on edge, work up a sweat, alcohol, smoking, coffee and so every day, such is the life of modern man. Not immediately, but over time begin to manifest depression, chronic fatigue, weakness, apathy, nervousness, irritability, headaches, loss of clarity and quickness of thought, all symptoms of a lack of energy production in the body. Energy generation is a complex, multi bioenergetic process. Then describe the complex of measures to restore energy, which personally helped me well in my time. In the morning, sure, you need to do a little workout, at least shake the press, and 10-20 minutes of breathing exercises with breath-holding. Fit of pranayama yoga, Chinese qigong, or breathing on the Buteyko Method. It is very important because during exercise with breath-holding in the body accumulates breathing prana (carbon dioxide), without which the hormones and enzymes normally do not work. And most importantly, without it, strange as it may, the body can not digest the oxygen, and this - our main fuel, without it man can not live more than a few minutes. Visualize the accumulation of energy in the body - it will greatly enhance the effect of exercise. For breakfast you can make ice cream with grated chocolate and bananas, it will give the body glucose and the precursors for the synthesis of serotonin in the brain. Closer to dinnertime, when fatigue starts to accumulate, we need a cup of coffee and half an hour of free time. After the coffee you can lie down, relax, start the music and begin to breathe rapidly and intensively nose 3-10 minutes until a light tingling in the limbs, followed by a pleasant breath holding and complete relaxation for about five minutes, ten. Everything in the body developed into serotonin, and we need to do so it is not absorbed back (reuptake), for this drink a natural antidepressant, based on St. John's wort, for example, or gellarium deprevit (2-3 tablets). After some time you feel hungry, it's time for lunch. Lunch should consist of salad and natural carbohydrates (pasta, cereal, pizza ... better without meat from slaughtered animals) After eating, take some mineral-vitamin complex. During the day, try to follow the drinking mode, because the water is in second place in importance after the oxygen. In the evening, after work, drank tea and did not hurry to dine or do business, you need half an hour, an hour to relax and rest in the supine position (meditation). At dinner, the best fit seafood - sea cabbage, fish, shrimp .... After all, they contain phosphorus, iodine and protein. Phosphorus - is the basis of the molecule ATP, is the basis of energy stored in our cells. Iodine and protein, just give a lot of energy. Without them, the whole chain of energy transformation is interrupted, the person becomes nervous and irritable - Psycho))). You should sleep necessarily in complete darkness and turn off all sources of electromagnetic radiation. This is required in order to properly produced from serotonin, melatonin, which is the source of psychic energy. Alcohol, sex and cigarettes would have to give at any time. And what to do, who are now easily? Otherwise the energy will never recover ... .. The general sense of this publication, such that those basic substances that the person feels like the energy, vitality, joy and happiness are - oxygen, carbon dioxide, phosphorus, iodine, serotonin and melotonin, as well as many other substances, which are interrelated and give us energy and their process of creation need to do something ))))))))) Thank you for your attention to the connection.
Cosmoenergetics and life
One of the causes of the crisis of modern medicine is that doctors try to cure the individual organs and systems, splitting the people into its constituent parts, separating the physical body of mental activity and from the heart. Forgotten are the precepts of physicians of antiquity, which states that a person - a single entity, rather than a set of bones, organs, muscles. The man - a bio-energy structure, complex body + soul + mind ". It is in this perspective considers the human Cosmoenergetics - a method of study and use of energy-space fields. About how you can get rid of the disease without the use of drugs, and yet to change their destiny for the better, tell kosmoenerget Oleg.
- Oleg, tell us a little about Cosmoenergetics.
- Cosmoenergetics - is a unique healing practice for the integrated exposure of humans to clean and light energies of the cosmos. Cosmoenergetics reborn in India about 400 years ago. Indian yogis used the first space-based channels. Currently, this area receives its justification and development of the institute "Cosmoenergetics and spetspsihologii" in Moscow headed by the founders Cosmoenergetics Dr. med. Sciences, Rector of the Institute of classic and contemporary psychoanalysis Larissa Fusu Natural Sciences and Dr. Emil Bagirov.
- What makes a complex effect, and how is it unique?
- Energy coming from the Cosmos to Earth is unique in that not only treats the physical human body once for all diseases, accumulated over the years of his life, rejuvenating it, cleaning of slag, dirt, and fully restore the power of the person, removing all negative (decay, evil eye, ancestral curses, etc.), expel energosuschnosti make biofield Rights in a holistic and dense, invulnerable to magic, but most importantly - give a powerful impetus for spiritual development. This allows you to change their views to the surrounding world and with himself, brought his soul to love.
- And how long is the recovery?
- Many come hoping for 1 session to get rid of problems, diseases, accumulated over the years. Of course, 1 session gives the overall effect of relief, removes witchcraft, there were cases of getting rid of chronic diseases, but to talk about serious treatment for 1 session does not have to. We do not promise rapid cure. This treatment requires time and attending courses, 10 - 15 sessions, then break 1 - 1,5 months. Number of treatment courses assigned individually. The heavier the disease, the long-term treatment will be. Our goal - not alleviate the patient's condition at the time, and rid it of disease, the problem forever. Writing health can not be nobody, if the person himself does not want anything for it does not. Healing - is hard work not only for the healer, but also for the patient in the first place. It's hard work on himself, his thoughts, emotions, struggle with their weaknesses.
- And how Cosmoenergetics change fate?
- I will try to explain this with an example. I was patient. He made a particular problem with psoriasis. Within six months, lasted until the treatment, he not only got rid of their problems, but also completely changed his fate, he found a soul mate.
The fact that we kosmoenergety, treat not only the individual disease, we treat the person as a whole, with all complex problems, both psychological and health-related. Sample. In strongly "tied" to the crown of the diagnosis revealed poorly performing second and fourth chakra. In such cases, people are generally unable to start a family, or it is created only formally (often the husband suffers from impotence or your spouse there is aversion to each other). If the crown of "tied" weaker, then the marriage (though, alternating with failed marriages, the birth of dead or sick children, and so on) is possible. In this case, the diagnosis is revealed dis-or hypofunction of the second or the fourth chakra. These chakras are responsible for childbearing, marital happiness, health of the genitourinary system. After the restoration of the second chakra recover not only the sick bodies, but also establish personal life.
- You treat children?
- Of course. For children under 14 years (this is the age a child is in the field of mother and associated with it) in the beginning we hold sessions only with the mother, at least 10. Ideally, when the sessions are attended by both parents. Only after working with her mother, we begin to work with the child. Mothers need to know that no matter what her child was sick, it happens as a result of violations of dyadic relationships (mother - child), caused by the problem posed by his mother: anxious, depressed, long missing at home, does not meet the needs of the child's mother causes various disorders and disease even in initially very healthy children. Increased demands on the child also often lead to serious illness.
- Tell us about the principle of treatment of cosmic energy.
-Despite the high efficiency of our method, it has some features:
1.eto longer duration, from 10 sessions (1.5 months) to 60 sessions (1 year) and more. (I mean a full recovery, improvement appears much earlier);
2. patients go through several relapses;
3.nash method involves a compulsory intensive independent work of the patient to correct and improve himself.
Improvement of the patient goes to kosmoenergeticheskom session, which lasts from 15 to 50 minutes. At the session the patient stands with eyes closed, trying to maximize relax both physical and on a psychological level. Do not restrain yourself or physically, or emotionally - to do whatever he wants - to sing, cry, dance, laugh, roar, swing, bend forward, back, etc. Some patients "see" the different pictures, images, to travel. By chance do with anybody in the sessions did not occur. If the "send to my childhood, it usually is, and the period when there was some sort of traumatic or emotional event, which prevents you live, although you can about it and do not remember. Good usvoyte: in our suffering is not in anyone's interest! According to the law of retribution, we only get it as they had sent to the world. Since the first session (assuming that you start to correct itself) in all channels will help you and help ...
- And during the conversation in the room are going to people with different diagnoses?
- Yes, because for each patient opens the channel, which protects it from the others.
- How is the restoration of rights?
-Freedom from disease often goes through the pain and frequent exacerbations. These exacerbation occur many times, and aggravated not only fresh disease, and all diseases that were once - or suffer a person before leaving the patient, as would "float away" ..
The feeling of cold, fear, desire to withdraw immediately during the session is often encountered in getting rid of energosuschnostey, necrotic ties. In addition, the same feelings for the same patient may have a different meaning. So, feeling cold may occur during combustion necrotic ties, leaving energosuschnostey, removing the bindings to the low spiritual worlds, in the chakras, if they are "punched".
Experiences of past incarnations, observed in the sessions, similar to experiences in meditation. They occur without any programming, and often, despite the fact that the patient does not believe in this possibility.
Very often, patients are asked what method differs from the magic in magic and why it quickly, and we have been slow. In magic is often instant perebros our conditioned segments. I want to instantly recover - please, but only after a while you learn that you have given in return. Come quickly to mind folk tales. Comes to a young magician, a beautiful woman: "Save my sister. She is mortally ill. "Savior - meets a magician - but for this you give me your beauty." Or the other story: got into the clutches of the monster and the prince cried out: "Let go, monster, young wife waits for me. "Let go, - said the monster - but for this you give me what you do not know." Yes, to pay for everything, all takes time.
- Oleg, tell us a little about Cosmoenergetics.
- Cosmoenergetics - is a unique healing practice for the integrated exposure of humans to clean and light energies of the cosmos. Cosmoenergetics reborn in India about 400 years ago. Indian yogis used the first space-based channels. Currently, this area receives its justification and development of the institute "Cosmoenergetics and spetspsihologii" in Moscow headed by the founders Cosmoenergetics Dr. med. Sciences, Rector of the Institute of classic and contemporary psychoanalysis Larissa Fusu Natural Sciences and Dr. Emil Bagirov.
- What makes a complex effect, and how is it unique?
- Energy coming from the Cosmos to Earth is unique in that not only treats the physical human body once for all diseases, accumulated over the years of his life, rejuvenating it, cleaning of slag, dirt, and fully restore the power of the person, removing all negative (decay, evil eye, ancestral curses, etc.), expel energosuschnosti make biofield Rights in a holistic and dense, invulnerable to magic, but most importantly - give a powerful impetus for spiritual development. This allows you to change their views to the surrounding world and with himself, brought his soul to love.
- And how long is the recovery?
- Many come hoping for 1 session to get rid of problems, diseases, accumulated over the years. Of course, 1 session gives the overall effect of relief, removes witchcraft, there were cases of getting rid of chronic diseases, but to talk about serious treatment for 1 session does not have to. We do not promise rapid cure. This treatment requires time and attending courses, 10 - 15 sessions, then break 1 - 1,5 months. Number of treatment courses assigned individually. The heavier the disease, the long-term treatment will be. Our goal - not alleviate the patient's condition at the time, and rid it of disease, the problem forever. Writing health can not be nobody, if the person himself does not want anything for it does not. Healing - is hard work not only for the healer, but also for the patient in the first place. It's hard work on himself, his thoughts, emotions, struggle with their weaknesses.
- And how Cosmoenergetics change fate?
- I will try to explain this with an example. I was patient. He made a particular problem with psoriasis. Within six months, lasted until the treatment, he not only got rid of their problems, but also completely changed his fate, he found a soul mate.
The fact that we kosmoenergety, treat not only the individual disease, we treat the person as a whole, with all complex problems, both psychological and health-related. Sample. In strongly "tied" to the crown of the diagnosis revealed poorly performing second and fourth chakra. In such cases, people are generally unable to start a family, or it is created only formally (often the husband suffers from impotence or your spouse there is aversion to each other). If the crown of "tied" weaker, then the marriage (though, alternating with failed marriages, the birth of dead or sick children, and so on) is possible. In this case, the diagnosis is revealed dis-or hypofunction of the second or the fourth chakra. These chakras are responsible for childbearing, marital happiness, health of the genitourinary system. After the restoration of the second chakra recover not only the sick bodies, but also establish personal life.
- You treat children?
- Of course. For children under 14 years (this is the age a child is in the field of mother and associated with it) in the beginning we hold sessions only with the mother, at least 10. Ideally, when the sessions are attended by both parents. Only after working with her mother, we begin to work with the child. Mothers need to know that no matter what her child was sick, it happens as a result of violations of dyadic relationships (mother - child), caused by the problem posed by his mother: anxious, depressed, long missing at home, does not meet the needs of the child's mother causes various disorders and disease even in initially very healthy children. Increased demands on the child also often lead to serious illness.
- Tell us about the principle of treatment of cosmic energy.
-Despite the high efficiency of our method, it has some features:
1.eto longer duration, from 10 sessions (1.5 months) to 60 sessions (1 year) and more. (I mean a full recovery, improvement appears much earlier);
2. patients go through several relapses;
3.nash method involves a compulsory intensive independent work of the patient to correct and improve himself.
Improvement of the patient goes to kosmoenergeticheskom session, which lasts from 15 to 50 minutes. At the session the patient stands with eyes closed, trying to maximize relax both physical and on a psychological level. Do not restrain yourself or physically, or emotionally - to do whatever he wants - to sing, cry, dance, laugh, roar, swing, bend forward, back, etc. Some patients "see" the different pictures, images, to travel. By chance do with anybody in the sessions did not occur. If the "send to my childhood, it usually is, and the period when there was some sort of traumatic or emotional event, which prevents you live, although you can about it and do not remember. Good usvoyte: in our suffering is not in anyone's interest! According to the law of retribution, we only get it as they had sent to the world. Since the first session (assuming that you start to correct itself) in all channels will help you and help ...
- And during the conversation in the room are going to people with different diagnoses?
- Yes, because for each patient opens the channel, which protects it from the others.
- How is the restoration of rights?
-Freedom from disease often goes through the pain and frequent exacerbations. These exacerbation occur many times, and aggravated not only fresh disease, and all diseases that were once - or suffer a person before leaving the patient, as would "float away" ..
The feeling of cold, fear, desire to withdraw immediately during the session is often encountered in getting rid of energosuschnostey, necrotic ties. In addition, the same feelings for the same patient may have a different meaning. So, feeling cold may occur during combustion necrotic ties, leaving energosuschnostey, removing the bindings to the low spiritual worlds, in the chakras, if they are "punched".
Experiences of past incarnations, observed in the sessions, similar to experiences in meditation. They occur without any programming, and often, despite the fact that the patient does not believe in this possibility.
Very often, patients are asked what method differs from the magic in magic and why it quickly, and we have been slow. In magic is often instant perebros our conditioned segments. I want to instantly recover - please, but only after a while you learn that you have given in return. Come quickly to mind folk tales. Comes to a young magician, a beautiful woman: "Save my sister. She is mortally ill. "Savior - meets a magician - but for this you give me your beauty." Or the other story: got into the clutches of the monster and the prince cried out: "Let go, monster, young wife waits for me. "Let go, - said the monster - but for this you give me what you do not know." Yes, to pay for everything, all takes time.
Dead Sea and the new research in the field of psoriasis
Research Center of the Dead Sea and Arava
Under the auspices of the University. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Dead Sea has a more favorable and more lasting impact in the treatment of psoriasis
The percentage of patients who a month later, the index reached PASI 75 and remission time after climatotherapy Dead Sea
Published in the International Journal of Dermatology
(Int J Dermatol 2007, 46, 1087 - 1091)
Research Center of the Dead Sea and Arava more than ten years, participated in the study and assessment of therapeutic efficacy of the natural resources of the Dead Sea in the treatment of chronic diseases. Studied in detail psoriasis, treatment which is often the most efficient compared to the treatment of other skin diseases.
Once in the previously published studies had established the optimal duration of climatotherapy (finding the sun), its relative effect on thalassotherapy (immersion in sea water), the nature of the mechanism of action at the cellular and immunological level, as well as after it was revealed the absence of skin carcinogenesis prolonged exposure to the sun at the Dead Sea, as part of the study was conducted the first follow-up care for patients with psoriasis in their home country for twelve months.
As the survey data, the treatment was highly effective and had no side effects, the duration of therapeutic effect in the first year after treatment in case of re-emergence of large ulcers accounted for more than six months.
Cost weeks of remission achieved by the climate-Dead Sea is lower than for other modes of treatment, for which the assessment is made in another study. Some of these regimes (immunosuppressive treatment and PUVA therapy) may be accompanied by serious side effects, while others, such as the recently introduced biological drugs, too expensive.
The percentage of patients who after one month PASI index was 75,
and time of remission after climatotherapy at the Dead Sea
The information presented here speaks for itself, but if you have additional questions, you will be happy to answer e-mail the following authors.
This document is a summary of research on the effectiveness and duration of clinical remission in patients with psoriasis blyashechnym held course climatotherapy the Dead Sea. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Israeli doctors from the Dead Sea and the German doctors practicing in the state of Saxony.
The study covered 64 patients with psoriasis, who arrived in Israel from Germany and held at the Dead Sea 28-day course of Climatology treatment, which included a daily exposure to the sun in the morning and afternoon. Time sun exposure was calculated on the basis of individual parameters and based on the measurement of ambient solar radiation. Thalassotherapy included a gradual increase in the duration of immersion of the Dead Sea.
On arrival and before departure of the patients undergo an assessment by index PASI (indicator area of the skin lesion and its severity in psoriasis) and follow-up inspections in the twelve months in Germany with the message of the appearance of recurrent ulcers on the skin. Then periodically evaluated in terms of PASI.
Time of recurrence of skin lesions after a complete or almost complete clearance at the end of climatotherapy defined as the duration of remission.
Time elapsed before the 50-percent relapse of the initial level of PASI, accepted as the duration of therapeutic effect.
Effect climatotherapy: PASI index decreased from an average of 31.7 (this was before treatment) to 1.4 at the end of the course climate-that is, there is an improvement of 95%.
The average duration of remission was 23.1 weeks, the average duration of therapeutic effect - 33.6 weeks.
Statistical multivariate analysis showed that more prolonged phase of remission was observed in younger patients.
This study suggests that the four-week course climatotherapy Dead Sea is effective in treating patients with psoriasis blyashechnym. The results indicate a preference for this method compared with other modes of treatment: almost non-existent side effects, patients receiving treatment in an atmosphere of holiday, communicating with other vacationers, as other studies show, contributes to improving the quality of their lives.
Under the auspices of the University. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Dead Sea has a more favorable and more lasting impact in the treatment of psoriasis
The percentage of patients who a month later, the index reached PASI 75 and remission time after climatotherapy Dead Sea
Published in the International Journal of Dermatology
(Int J Dermatol 2007, 46, 1087 - 1091)
Research Center of the Dead Sea and Arava more than ten years, participated in the study and assessment of therapeutic efficacy of the natural resources of the Dead Sea in the treatment of chronic diseases. Studied in detail psoriasis, treatment which is often the most efficient compared to the treatment of other skin diseases.
Once in the previously published studies had established the optimal duration of climatotherapy (finding the sun), its relative effect on thalassotherapy (immersion in sea water), the nature of the mechanism of action at the cellular and immunological level, as well as after it was revealed the absence of skin carcinogenesis prolonged exposure to the sun at the Dead Sea, as part of the study was conducted the first follow-up care for patients with psoriasis in their home country for twelve months.
As the survey data, the treatment was highly effective and had no side effects, the duration of therapeutic effect in the first year after treatment in case of re-emergence of large ulcers accounted for more than six months.
Cost weeks of remission achieved by the climate-Dead Sea is lower than for other modes of treatment, for which the assessment is made in another study. Some of these regimes (immunosuppressive treatment and PUVA therapy) may be accompanied by serious side effects, while others, such as the recently introduced biological drugs, too expensive.
The percentage of patients who after one month PASI index was 75,
and time of remission after climatotherapy at the Dead Sea
The information presented here speaks for itself, but if you have additional questions, you will be happy to answer e-mail the following authors.
This document is a summary of research on the effectiveness and duration of clinical remission in patients with psoriasis blyashechnym held course climatotherapy the Dead Sea. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Israeli doctors from the Dead Sea and the German doctors practicing in the state of Saxony.
The study covered 64 patients with psoriasis, who arrived in Israel from Germany and held at the Dead Sea 28-day course of Climatology treatment, which included a daily exposure to the sun in the morning and afternoon. Time sun exposure was calculated on the basis of individual parameters and based on the measurement of ambient solar radiation. Thalassotherapy included a gradual increase in the duration of immersion of the Dead Sea.
On arrival and before departure of the patients undergo an assessment by index PASI (indicator area of the skin lesion and its severity in psoriasis) and follow-up inspections in the twelve months in Germany with the message of the appearance of recurrent ulcers on the skin. Then periodically evaluated in terms of PASI.
Time of recurrence of skin lesions after a complete or almost complete clearance at the end of climatotherapy defined as the duration of remission.
Time elapsed before the 50-percent relapse of the initial level of PASI, accepted as the duration of therapeutic effect.
Effect climatotherapy: PASI index decreased from an average of 31.7 (this was before treatment) to 1.4 at the end of the course climate-that is, there is an improvement of 95%.
The average duration of remission was 23.1 weeks, the average duration of therapeutic effect - 33.6 weeks.
Statistical multivariate analysis showed that more prolonged phase of remission was observed in younger patients.
This study suggests that the four-week course climatotherapy Dead Sea is effective in treating patients with psoriasis blyashechnym. The results indicate a preference for this method compared with other modes of treatment: almost non-existent side effects, patients receiving treatment in an atmosphere of holiday, communicating with other vacationers, as other studies show, contributes to improving the quality of their lives.
Series Dr. House - history of medicine
In this article, tell you about a very famous serial in which the principal is the honey. subject.
I think the reader now begins to suspect that it will go on "House" and the result will be almost right. This article talks about is not so broad theme of the series, and specifically about different drugs and the history of origin.
Due to the fact that this remarkable series is thoroughly permeated with medical terms, attentive fans and it seems to me, just want to find out (all the details about them.
How often have you learned almost completely incomprehensible to you by various concepts: Vicodin, penitsilin, novocaine? I think that almost every new series of television series, in addition to several dozen times.
The most curious spectators often tormented question - what kind of drugs that are often heard in this television series.
For example, what we know now about the disease such as lupus? The first association - something something referring to a wolf. And this association, by the way, right:
His name was due to lupus feature which - nA rash cheeks, which, even as thought in the Middle Veka, resemble a wolf bite.
Since almost all the time to remember all the drugs / illness from this TV series - is not the case, a description and history of diseases were gathered together on special web resources where they are convenient to the familiarity for those interested in fans.
I think the reader now begins to suspect that it will go on "House" and the result will be almost right. This article talks about is not so broad theme of the series, and specifically about different drugs and the history of origin.
Due to the fact that this remarkable series is thoroughly permeated with medical terms, attentive fans and it seems to me, just want to find out (all the details about them.
How often have you learned almost completely incomprehensible to you by various concepts: Vicodin, penitsilin, novocaine? I think that almost every new series of television series, in addition to several dozen times.
The most curious spectators often tormented question - what kind of drugs that are often heard in this television series.
For example, what we know now about the disease such as lupus? The first association - something something referring to a wolf. And this association, by the way, right:
His name was due to lupus feature which - nA rash cheeks, which, even as thought in the Middle Veka, resemble a wolf bite.
Since almost all the time to remember all the drugs / illness from this TV series - is not the case, a description and history of diseases were gathered together on special web resources where they are convenient to the familiarity for those interested in fans.
Prostatitis Treatment
What is man's strength you probably guessed! This is not only strength of arms and legs, but the force that is just below the belly button! So it is the development of this force to deal with. You ask why? Yes, because being poor you'll be one and you will be sad and lonely and the disease will pass away sooner than you expect it.
I once at age 25, unsuccessfully slept with a woman and earned a very lousy disease. Epidodemit. This inflammation of the epididymis. Sometimes two-sided and one-sided and that another type of disease is very unpleasant. This inflammation is usually from infections has fallen after intercourse. My advice, use condoms and choose the normal partners.
But at the moment I do not read the sermons, and tell how to deal with the consequences of all these gifts. So let us return to our sheep, the bish to Epidodemitu. I was treated was treated, chopped injections and warmed to dissolve, but of little help. Outgrown all this in the prostate, but this is not a joke, and damaged nerves. I read a lot and many have tried all sorts of recipes for yourself and come to the conclusion that each person has his own and the only correct way to recovery.
Now fast forward a little to the world of mysticism. For you to successfully use my advice, you should know how long you should use my recipe. If you do not know awaken, then it may happen that you stop treatment the day before receiving the result, but it will at least shame and regret the time spent. Sometimes the time will not come back, but you can ...
So first thing you need to define your terms?? What is it? This time, after which you get a real answer to life and the bad and the good about their actions. That is, said a bad word, but as a result cut his finger with a knife when peeled potatoes in the kitchen .. That cat is the time between these two events and have your circle! I think you already lived and have already learned to define its terms. Just analyze his past life and understand everything. The terms may be 2 years or three or more, but if it is more than a decade, then you're either life or healthy life!
Hopefully understandable outlined. All. You know your circle now begun.
First. Spring is necessary to press the juice of burdock and procure it for about a couple of bottles, that was enough until next summer. Juice burdock good raises the potency, but very strongly dehydrates the body. Therefore, to problems with the kidneys, there was no drink plenty water. It is used one hour before sexual intercourse. Here's your first step to a cure.
The second will be a bit later ..
I once at age 25, unsuccessfully slept with a woman and earned a very lousy disease. Epidodemit. This inflammation of the epididymis. Sometimes two-sided and one-sided and that another type of disease is very unpleasant. This inflammation is usually from infections has fallen after intercourse. My advice, use condoms and choose the normal partners.
But at the moment I do not read the sermons, and tell how to deal with the consequences of all these gifts. So let us return to our sheep, the bish to Epidodemitu. I was treated was treated, chopped injections and warmed to dissolve, but of little help. Outgrown all this in the prostate, but this is not a joke, and damaged nerves. I read a lot and many have tried all sorts of recipes for yourself and come to the conclusion that each person has his own and the only correct way to recovery.
Now fast forward a little to the world of mysticism. For you to successfully use my advice, you should know how long you should use my recipe. If you do not know awaken, then it may happen that you stop treatment the day before receiving the result, but it will at least shame and regret the time spent. Sometimes the time will not come back, but you can ...
So first thing you need to define your terms?? What is it? This time, after which you get a real answer to life and the bad and the good about their actions. That is, said a bad word, but as a result cut his finger with a knife when peeled potatoes in the kitchen .. That cat is the time between these two events and have your circle! I think you already lived and have already learned to define its terms. Just analyze his past life and understand everything. The terms may be 2 years or three or more, but if it is more than a decade, then you're either life or healthy life!
Hopefully understandable outlined. All. You know your circle now begun.
First. Spring is necessary to press the juice of burdock and procure it for about a couple of bottles, that was enough until next summer. Juice burdock good raises the potency, but very strongly dehydrates the body. Therefore, to problems with the kidneys, there was no drink plenty water. It is used one hour before sexual intercourse. Here's your first step to a cure.
The second will be a bit later ..
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